Dr. Terry Watkins, Th.D. | Dial-the-Truth Ministries |
• P.O.D. AND THE WORKS OF DARKNESS • The Bible is crystal clear in Ephesians 5:11 – we’re to have NO fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them! "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." Again, the Bible in 2 Corinthians 6:14-17, commands a Christian to have no fellowship with unrighteousness. We’re to "come out from among them, and be ye separate" 14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And yet, P.O.D. (and other CCM artists) fellowship, perform, promote and praise some of the most ungodly, blasphemous, vulgar and openly anti-Christ performers in history! • P.O.D. AND MARILYN MANSON • ![]() Marilyn Manson, proudly boasts: "Hopefully, I’ll be remembered as the person who brought an end to Christianity."(Spin, August 1996, p. 34) Manson’s "hope" for Antichrist Superstar,: "I think every time people listen to this new album maybe God will be destroyed in their heads. . ."(huH, Oct. 1996, p.37) Manson admits his childhood longing for Satan: "My mom used to tell me when I was a kid, ‘If you curse at nighttime, the devil’s going to come to you when you’re sleeping.’ I used to get excited because I really wanted it to happen . . . I wanted it. I wanted it more than anything . . ."(Rolling Stone, January, 23, 1997 p.52) Manson’s "blasphemy" is not just an act. Manson readily admitts there's more to the show than meets the eye: "I don’t know if anyone has really understood what we’re trying to do. This isn’t just about shock value . . . that’s just there to lure the people in. Once we’ve got ‘em we can give ‘em our MESSAGE.(Hit Parader, Oct. 1996, p.28) ![]()
"Warning, the music of Marilyn Manson contains messages that will KILL GOD In your impressionable teenage mind, as a result you could be convinced to KILL YOUR MOM & DAD, And eventually in an act of hopeless Rock and Roll behaviour you will KILL YOURSELF. Please burn your records while there is still hope". (See Picture on LEFT.) When Manson, an ordained Satanic priest, whose self-professed ambition is to "destroy Christianity", puts together a compilation album of satanism, blasphemy, vulgarity and perversion, for the movie "Book of Shadows Blair Witch 2" Guess what Manson chooses Christian rockers P.O.D. and Project 86! "Book of Shadows Blair Witch 2" was the product of Manson’s record company Posthuman. Marilyn Manson, himself, was the executive producer! And Manson, who has a vicious, hatred for Christianity and the Lord Jesus Christ, chooses two Christian rockers! As the old timers say, "that dog ain’t gonna hunt". Here’s some of the other "Manson ordained" songs on the Blair Witch 2 album, joining P.O.D. and Project 86: In the song, "The Reckoning", the group Godhead, sings: Come to me On Shoutweb, Jason of Godhead was asked about the meaning of "The Reckoning": Shoutweb: A lot of fans are really curious about "The Reckoning", where it came from, how it started out, etc. What's the story behind the song? How did it kind of progress? The song is literally Satan calling for young people to "worship" and "kill" for him! Let me ask you a question . . . What about the Christian young people that buy the "Book of Shadows Blair Witch 2" because their favorite Christian bands, P.O.D. and Project 86, are on it? And their mind is infiltrated with satanic, filthy lyrics, that according to Godhead – whose purpose is "to entice people into sin". And they even admit they are "assuming the role of the devil"! And don’t tell me Christian young people don’t purchase these satanic, secular records because they do! I’ve talked to many that think "it’s cool" that P.O.D. is on the album! In the song "Goodbye Lament" by Iommi, they sing: "Goodbye Faith, I swear I won't believe!" The song "Suicide Is Painless", Manson sings: The game of life is hard to play The song "Arc Arsenal" by At The Drive, sing of cannibalism – "have you ever tasted skin" The Book of Shadows Blair Witch 2 album is saturated with the "f-word" and other filthy, vulgar, profanity, splattered throughout. Some other rockers on the Blair Witch album are Rob Zombie, System of a Down Mind, Slaves on Dope, Death in Vegas and others. And Christians say to me, "Wouldn’t you want your kids listening to P.O.D. rather than Marilyn Manson?" Hey, there’s not much difference – in fact, you can get them both on The Book of Shadows CD! "Birds of a feather – flock together" Amos 3:3 Despite Marilyn Manson's hatred for Christianity, ripping up the Holy Bible, and mocking the Lord Jesus Christ, Sonny, of P.O.D. is still not gonna "dog" [criticize] the ordained, "official" reverend in the Church of Satan. But you'll find out later in this article, P.O.D. sure does not mind "dogging" conservative Christians but an "official" ordained reverend in the Church of Satan, whose goal is to destroy Christianity NO WAY! P.O.D.’s not gonna "dog" [criticize] the ordained, "official" reverend in the Church of Satan, Marilyn Manson: Sonny on Marilyn Manson; Unbelievably, Sonny, of P.O.D., claims the same people who picket Marilyn Manson concerts picket P.O.D. concerts! "We get the [Christian] picketers too. The same people who picket Marilyn Manson will be picketing us." Sonny, of P.O.D. gives his reason for appearing on the Blair Witch album: Now, get this "spiritual" wisdom: "A lot of times people don’t agree with what we do‘Why are you on the Blair Witch soundtrack?’ he [Sonny] interrupts himself, mimicking a disappointed inquisitor. ‘Dude, they asked us to put our song with their music. That’s like the devil coming up to the church and asking can he put one of their praise songs on his soundtrack. Why would the church say no?’ Not hardly, Sonny! For one thing – THERE IS NO PRAISE TO GOD in P.O.D.’s song NOWHERE! And another thing. . . The devil is NOT about to come up to the church and ask can he put one of the church’s praise songs on his soundtrack! The Devil (and Manson, the director of the Blair Witch album) HATE God, HATE the Lord Jesus Christ and OPPOSE anything and everything that lifts up and praises the Lord Jesus Christ! Here’s some of the lyrics to "Lie Down" by P.O.D. This is P.O.D.’s song which is on the Blair Witch album. Now, can you find any clear PRAISE to the Lord Jesus Christ in this "stuff"? I lie down, I sleep, when I wake, sustain me Compare P.O.D.’s "praise" to Godhead’s "praise" for the devil in the "The Reckoning": Come to me Which one do you think is clearer? Isn’t it amazing (or a better word would be disgusting) – how these secular, satanic, wicked bands are so open and proud of their god – and how hush-hush, yellow-bellied and ashamed these "so-called" Christian bands are of the Lord Jesus Christ! A concerned youth minister writes of P.O.D.'s appearance Manson’s Blair Witch soundtrack:
Amen and amen and amen. . . • P.O.D. AND MTV's "RETURN OF THE ROCK" • ![]() Some of P.O.D.’s "album-buddies" on "The Return of the Rock": The vulgar and filthy, Kid Rock sings the song "F- That" (we can’t even give the title – much less the lyrics!) The "f-word" occurs in Kid Rock’s song included in MTV and POD’s "Return of the Rock" – over 21 times! Kid Rock’s album has the "f-word" (not to mention many other "nasties") over 140 times! One line of Kid Rock’s song included on MTV and POD’s Return of the Rock, "I'm feelin major torn, cause I wasn't born in a manger". Now, who was born in a manger? A cheap, swipe at the Lord Jesus Christ. . . In Kid Rock’s song "Abortion", the Kid mocks the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and puts God in a jar: We are a part of Kid Rock sings profanity, wickedness, vulgarity, anti-Christian and blasphemy – one of Kid Rock’s album’s is appropriately titled "Devil Without a Cause"! P.O.D. was the opening act for the filthy and vulgar Kid Rock at L.A.’s infamous The Roxy club! And Believe it or not! (and there’s worse from Kid Rock), P.O.D. "thanks" Kid Rock in the CD liner in their album "Fundamental Elements of Southtown"! Can you imagine the Apostle Paul "thanking" a blasphemous, vulgar, Christ-hating, Kid Rock? Thank you Kid Rock for your filth and vulgar! Thank you Kid Rock for your blasphemy and mockery of the Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you Kid Rock for corrupting the minds of the youth! Have you ever read how the Apostle Paul "thanked" Elymas the sorcerer in Acts 13? 9 Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him, Not surprising, in an interview, Sonny of P.O.D. was asked "point-blank" "Do you try to set a good example? Do you drink, smoke, do drugs, or swear, for instance?" Sonny’s answer should be a "wake-up call" to any Christian listening to P.O.D. – "those aren’t even issues!" "Do you try to set a good example? Do you drink, smoke, do drugs, or swear, for instance? "Those aren’t even issues!" It’s not an issue if someone drinks, smokes, takes drugs or swears! It is an issue to a Christian! It is a SIN! It nailed Jesus Christ to a cross! And you will be judged for it. (1 Cor. 3) In one interview, Sonny remarks he can drink if he wants to he's a grown man and God has given him that freedom. One interviewer asked me, 'Do you drink?' "Sonny remembers. "I said, "'I don't wanna tell you, "Oh no, I do not drink," because the moment somebody sees me having a wine with my pasta at an Italian restaurant, I'm considered a hypocrite,' So he quoted me as saying, 'Yeah, I like to have a beer!' And all of a sudden, we get all these emails from our fans saying, "I can't believe that Sonny would allow this for the youth!' But I'm a grown man, dawg! I'm 28 years old, I can make those decisions for myself! That is the freedom that God has given you, to make those choices."In Circus magazine Traa proudly admitts P.O.D. party and "drink beer". 'Their life is far from boring and everybody who thinks they’re just Bible thumpers without being able to enjoy their lives is wrong. The guys from P.O.D. do know how to party and Traa readily admits that he does like his beer - just like the rest of the band. Proverbs 20:1 What a testimony to our Christian youth. Parent or youth pastor or pastor is that the kind of influence you want for your young people? Believe me. . . it gets worse. In another interview, Sonny describes his teenage years as, "which mostly consisted of smoking a lot of pot and hanging around a less-than-savory crowd. . . we smoked a lot of weed you know." (Revolver, Mar/Apr 2002, p. 62) Now if that wasn't bad enough. . . Sonny says his pot smoking days were the "best of times" and doesn't "regret any of it"! "Those were the best of times, and I don't regret any of it, because we had some fun."What kind of testimony is that to the Christian youth? I don't regret "smoking a lot of pot" and those were the "best of times". Does that not encourage our young people to smoke pot? Hey, Sonny of P.O.D. says "smoking pot" "it's the best of times". I don't know what happened to Sonny when he "supposedly" got saved, but my friend I can tell you the "best of times" I've had BY FAR are the years I've known my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! And before I got saved I smoked a lot of dope and I regret EVERY MINUTE OF IT! I can testify that Jesus Christ gave me a peace and joy, no dope, no high, no earthly thrill can match! I don't see how in the world a Christian, who TRULY knows the Lord Jesus Christ can make such a statement. Do you believe the Lord Jesus Christ was lieing when He said, He came to give "abundant life"? John 10:10 The Lord Jesus Christ says men shall give account of "every idle word . . . in the day of judgment." Matthew 12:36Who do you think is right Sonny of P.O.D. or the Lord Jesus Christ? Then why do you defend them and listen to them? Why do you listen to them more, than you listen to the Lord Jesus Christ by reading your Bible? Why do you have more song lyrics memorized in your heart than Bible verses? P.O.D., practice what they preach, they make no hesitation to use profanity, etc. in interviews: Traa of P.O.D. and the "f-word" in Guitar World magazine? An article in Guitar World, quotes Traa of P.O.D. using the "f-word". While commenting on rockstar, Eek-a-Mouse’s height, Traa says: "He’s f---ing huge. Like seven feet." Sure enough. The January edition of Guitar World, contained a retraction that Traa did not actually say the "f-word". Here's what Guitar World wrote concerning Traa and the "f-word":In a Shoutweb.com interview, Traa says of the above quote:"There was also something printed and it was a misquote. It was something about Eek-a-Mouse and it had me using the 'f' word but it was totally a misquote. I never said that". "In reviewing his tape of the interview, writer Alan di Perna realized that Traa did not use the "F" word. He and the staff of Guitar World apologize for the error and for any inconvenience it may have caused.How do you misquote f---ing? What other word could have been misquoted for "f---ing"? We were curious what did Traa actually say? So we emailed the editor of Guitar World and asked, what did Traa actually say? Here was his short reply: frickin or frigginDo you know what "frickin" or "friggin" means? It's the "F-word"! It's the same thing! Here's the definiton from several "slang" dictionaries: fricking a phonological disguise of f---ing. frigging A euphemism for f---ingIn case you think it's a "slip of the tongue". In Rolling Stone magazine, Traa does it again. In commenting on some of their fans, ol' "potty mouth" Traa says: "You rock my effing head!" effing Adj./Adv. A euphemism for 'f---ing'. eff: This curt [short] euphemism is also the base for equivalents of f---ing."There's no way to clean up the "f-word" with changing a few letters. Filth is filth. And if that filth and nastiness is in Traa's heart [which it obviously is], what's the difference if it comes out "frigging, fricking, effing or f---ing"? As the Lord Jesus Christ truly said in Matthew 12:34, ". . . for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." And also in Matthew 15:18 "But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart. . ." Here's an email from a teenage Christian? P.O.D. fan. Sadly, like her "idol" P.O.D., we know what is in her filthy heart.
Isn't that sad. . . People write and ask, why do you take the time to research and write against groups like P.O.D.? Because of young people like the one that sent us that email. Put off . . . filthy communication out of your mouth. Colossians 3:8 More profanity from the heart of P.O.D.:
"Of course we got the same view on life as most people out there - it’s too short and most of the time it’s quite a shi--y business."NOTE: Life a "shi--y" business? Does that sound like a testimony of someone that KNOWS and is in FELLOWSHIP with the Lord Jesus Christ? Where is the Christian's "JOY of the Lord"? Where is the "abundant life" that Jesus Christ promised in John 10:10? Hum... Compare Traa's "shi--y" testimony to the wonderful Word of God: Nehemiah 8:10 says, ". . . the JOY of the Lord is your strength". Friend, do you have that real joy the Bible speaks about? Is you life rejoicing with the "joy of the Lord"? It can be. Simply by truly trusting and receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. He promised to give you joy and abundant life. And straight from the heart of P.O.D. – more filth. . .
"Like a year from now I’ll be like, ‘D--- it! I would have played this song the way I’m playing it now’." "A lot of these bands p--- us off because they think they’re all harsh and the life of the party." "You notice every d--- food commercials" Traa, P.O.D. "I'm pretty sure Kittie's p----- off 'cause they're all girls." "If you attempt to do anything, do it with passion and give it all you’ve got, no half a--ed attempts." Colossians 3:8
In an interview with MTV, Wuv, of P.O.D. says is "If it’s sex and rock and roll that inspires you . . . then cool"! "If it’s sex and rock and roll that inspires you and that’s what you want to sing about, then cool." Marocs of P.O.D. says he HATES the term Christian because Christians condemn or judge people for doing wrong! "We’re not going to condemn them or judge them. That’s why I hate the term [Christian]." Parents, pastors and youth workers, is this the kind of message and influence you want "teaching and admonishing" your Christian young people? Another group included on MTV and P.O.D.’s "Return of the Rock" is Slipknot. The group Slipknot sings "Spit it Out", with lyrics that are so filthy and nasty, we can’t even begin to quote them. The f-word, vulgarity, filth and sickness, fills the song. Slipknot’s stage set is a Vegas-style take on Hell, saturated with satanic symbols, such as, three enormous, Kiss-style flashing 666 signs, two satanic pentagrams, and even a severed goat’s head. (Guitar World Aug 2001, p. 74) Rolling Stone magazine describes them as, "Slipknot are a platinum selling metal band from Des Moines, Iowa, infamous for tossing feces (their own), drinking urine (also their own), lighting one another on fire and breaking one another’s bones in concert." (Rolling Stone, July 6-20, 2000, p. 76) Slipknot’s song ‘Disasterpiece’ begins with "I want to slit your throat and f--- the wound…" Mick Thompson, guitarist for Slipknot says in Rolling Stone magazine: "Christianity is a f---ing blight on humanity. There is nothing sicker that this world has ever seen than organized religion." Corey Taylor, of the group Slipknot, also owns Wasted Ink, which sells blasphemous, anti-christ, t-shirts with messages such as: "god is just another know-it-all as-----, "I’ve been denied three times. Does that make me a saviour?", etc. And P.O.D. appears on an album with these blasphemous, anti-christ, filthy, perverts! Can you imagine some "innocent" Christian young person or parents buying the "Return of the Rock" CD because P.O.D., their favorite Christian artist is on it! Trusting if Christians P.O.D. are on it, surely, it’s o.k. Not knowing their hearts and minds are being polluted with wicked, blasphemous, filth! God help us wake up! Where is the outrage? Christians "justify" P.O.D.’s "fellowshipping" on albums with these wicked and filthy groups with, "Hey, P.O.D.’s trying to spread the gospel. They’re trying to reach the lost secular, young people who buy these albums". Are you kidding? You couldn’t find the gospel of Jesus Christ in P.O.D.’s songs, if you listened for a hundred years! IT IS NOT THERE! And they even admit it’s not there! "Every song might not say Jesus in it, It might not have a spiritual overtone, but the passion and emotion behind it, the chords – I’m playing that to the higher power above, which is God, dude." That’s pitiful. . . "Every song might not say Jesus in it" – In FACT, their album "Fundamental Elements of Southtown" contains 16 songs, over 2600 words – and yet, the wonderful name of Jesus Christ is NOWHERE! Not ONE time. . . In 16 songs. Over 2600 words. . . NO Jesus. . . And NO Jesus . . . NO Gospel. . .! In a generation of young people that have lost their soul (Mark 8:36); where hopeless is their constant companion – "so-called" Christian groups will not even MENTION the ONLY name that can help them. As we have documented many, many times, most CCM artists go out of their way to AVOID the name of Jesus Christ! What a difference from the disciples (some REAL Christians) in Acts 5:42 says, "And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ." The Word of God, in John 12:43, has the P.O.D.’s of the world’s "number". Just like the chief rulers in John 12, most Christian rockers refuse to mention the Lord Jesus Christ because "they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God". "42 Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue: They KNOW, if they, even mention the Lord Jesus Christ they will not sell as many records. They KNOW if they mention the Lord Jesus Christ they won’t get on MTV. Sonny of P.O.D., even admits, they can’t even say something as simple and harmless as "God bless you" without having an angry mob at some of their concerts! And believe me, they’re not about to present the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ! "You know, we gotta be careful. ‘Cause I can go out there and say, ‘Hey man, God bless you guys,’ and all of a sudden I have an angry mob at me because I said that. So I have to watch it." In one article POD admits they are NOT a Christian band and "we DON’T mention JESUS in our songs"! Q: Are you or are you not a Christian band? How can you reach someone with the Lord Jesus Christ – when you will NOT even mention His NAME? That’s’ the ONLY name that will save a lost sinner. . . Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, BUT BY ME. Here’s some of the lyrics to P.O.D.’s "Southtown" – which appears on MTV’s "The Return of the Rock": Welcome to hard times, back again like its never been Can you find the gospel of Jesus Christ in "Southtown"? Can you find ANY Christian witness? Isn’t it amazing how clear and plain the secular and wicked groups sing their message of satanism, wickedness and sin – and yet, when supposedly Christian groups, supposedly sing for the Lord Jesus Christ, the One that supposedly loved them SO much He died a bloody, death on a cross for their sins – they WILL NOT EVEN MENTION HIS NAME! And young people continually tell me, "Hey, Dude! They’re being a witness." A witness for what? How to DENY the Lord Jesus Christ! They’re definitely NOT witnessing for the Lord Jesus Christ – they won’t even mention HIS NAME! So what are they "being a WITNESS" for? Do tell, if thou knowest. . . If they’re a WITNESS. . . why aren’t we seeing some of these wicked, secular groups getting saved? Somehow I missed Ozzy getting saved? Or Korn . . . Or Incubus. . . Or Primus. . . Or Linkin Park. . . Or Marilyn Manson. . . or Kid Rock. . . Would you please give me the source where some of these secular, wicked groups that POD is WITNESSING to got saved? That’s what I thought. . . They don’t exist. . . The "they’re being a witness" line is nothing but an excuse to JUSTIFY their LOVE of rock music and their DISOBEDIENCE to the clear commandments of the Word of God. One of the most ridiculous statements EVER to come out the mouth of a human being came from Wuv of P.O.D in New Music magazine. Read this brilliant statement: "We look at Jesus, he’s our biggest example. He didn’t go and talk Bible talk. He broke it down so people could understand it. He told parables, and that’s what we do in our lyrics. We’re from the street; we’re not Bible scholars—we don’t know the lingo. It’s not like ‘Jesus is coming back," he croons in a wavering heavy metal falsethe C‘You won’t hear that in a P.O.D. song. We break it down street-style" Jesus "didn’t go and talk Bible talk"! Hey Wuv, Jesus Christ is the Bible! The Bible is His words! Matthew 24:35 John 14:23 John 1:14 " . . . Jesus didn’t go and talk Bible talk. . ." Lord help us make it through this article… it’s gonna be rough. . . Some of the other filth on MTV’s Return of the Rock: "Make Me Bad (Sickness In Salvation Mix)" by Korn, "Stain" by Full Devil Jacket, "Infest" by Papa Roach and many other "hellions". • P.O.D. AND "ANY GIVEN SUNDAY" SOUNDTRACK • P.O.D and "Any Given Sunday" Soundtrack: POD is also on the soundtrack for Oliver Stone’s movie "Any Given Sunday". Again, POD joins some of the most wicked and filthy secular artists in the music world. Groups like Godsmack, Trick Daddy, Kid Rock (again!), Mystikal, Missy 'Misdemeanor' Elliott, Hole Corgan, Mobb Deep, Trick Daddy, and LL Cool J. DMX is there singing "My Niggas". My niggas will fry my niggas will rob . . . The group Swizz Beats f/ Drag-On Eve sing "Move Right Now": Shake 'em down Capone-N-Noreaga in Reunion, of course, takes a swipe at the lovely Lord Jesus. . . Peace God Goodie Mob f/ OutKastSole Sunday Sunday mornin, makes me feel You can not believe how filthy, vulgar, violent, hateful, racist and nasty this album is! Every nasty, perverted and filthy word hatched out of hell is on this album – many, many times! This album is nothing but pornography and filth set to music – and that’s being kind! And, of cours gothere’s Christian rockers, P.O.D., right smack dab in the middle of this filth! And "for a witness" what does POD sing? Face to face with aggression Wow! What a witness! I bet everybody on the "Any Given Sunday" soundtrack got saved! I bet everybody that watches the movie "Any Given Sunday" gets saved! With a bold, clear witness like that revival is coming soon! Don’t laugh. . . Traa, the bass player for POD, says in HM mag: "I think that our music has enough of the message in the lyrics, and if people listen, it’s clear enough. Some bands make what they are saying vague, but Sonny’s always been real obvious in his lyrics, and I think that’s real effective." And you wonder what planet Traa left his brain on? Probably the same planet Val Sutton, who writes in HM, this ridiculous statement: "The blatant Christian themes on their first mainstream label release, The Fundamental Elements of Southtown, are proof enough that regardless of the record label they are on, P.O.D. intends to be the hard-hitting Gospel-spreading band they are reputed to be." The "blatant Christian themes". . . The "hard-hitting Gospel-spreading" band. . .!!!! Are you kidding? Out of 16 songs. . . Out of over 2600 words . . . POD does not even MENTION the name of Jesus Christ – much less the GOSPEL! You can not present the GOSPEL without the Lord Jesus Christ! There is NO GOSPEL when there is NO JESUS! Duh. . . duh. . . Is anybody home upstairs? You talk about a serious lack of ANY spiritual discernment!
Apostle Paul, would you please tell Val and P.O.D. – what is the GOSPEL? Look in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4: 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the GOSPEL l which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; Now have you ever heard that on a P.O.D. album? I’ve preached for years, and documented many, many , many times – when you start filling your heart with this music, and you start justifying your DISOBEDIENCE to the Word of God – something happens to your SPIRITUAL sanity. Spiritually speaking (and I say this with charity), YOU GO SPIRITUAL NUTS! You no longer even know what the GOSPEL is! James describes that person, who hears the word of God, but they refuse to obey the word of God and they deceive themselves! Much of the CCM world (and believe me I have talked to many) are in this "self deceived" stage. They no longer know what the gospel is. And they have lost all spiritual discernment.
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. Compare Rolling Stone’s magazine review of "The Fundamental Elements of Southtown": "Unlike many Christian bands, P.O.D. do not wear their faith on their sleeves. "Outkast," the particular song Wuv is talking about, doesn't exactly spell their faith out or openly urge listeners to repent. Such is the case with most of the tracks on P.O.D.'s debut album, The Fundamental Elements of Southtown. It would probably never dawn on an unadvised listener that the band follows God." Compare Guitar World’s comment on P.O.D’s music: "They [P.O.D.] usually don’t like to foreground their religious beliefs . . . much into their music." While interviewing P.O.D., Drum! Magazine writes of P.O.D.’s Christian influence: "But again, for these guys it’s not about pushing God on people. Their Christian influence has been drastically over-hyped by the media . . ." Wuv openly admits that are NOT even trying to present the gospel! "I mean, we are Christian, but we’re not out preaching to everybody. That was never our agenda. We just play rock and roll, dude. . . We’re not religious or anything. It’s no big deal. ... "Our faith plays a lot in our personal lives, but we're a rock-and-roll band. This album is about rock and roll, and that's it." Could that be any clearer, dude? I’ve got a honest question for all these Christians talking about "…blatant Christian themes". . . and "hard-hitting Gospel-spreading" . . . WHERE IS YOUR BRAIN? You seriously need to visit your nearest hospital and get an MRI – something is missing in your cranium cavity! I’m reminded of the words of the Lord Jesus Christ in Luke 16: ". . . for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light." The BIG difference. . . unlike Traa, and Val, Rolling Stone, Guitar Word, and Drum! are not trying to JUSTIFY their DISOBEDIENCE to the Word of God. They’re just telling the truth. . . When I hear the CCM crowd parading around about the "blatant Christian themes". . . and "hard-hitting Gospel-spreading" I remember what the Lord Jesus said in Matthew 13. He told of some whose "heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed" a perfect description of the majority of the Christian rock crowd.
"For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; . . ." They simply do not want to hear the truth. • P.O.D. PROMOTES AND PRAISES SATANIC SECULAR GROUPS • P.O.D.’s top albums for 1999. . . Here’s P.O.D.’s picks for the top albums of 1999: 1. Santana, Supernatural Not a Christian in the bunch! Most are a bunch of anti-Christian, wicked, filthy and ungodly groups! Why are Christians, such as P.O.D., even listening to such filth and wickedness? Much less being their "top picks" for 1999! Is P.O.D. recommending Christian young people listen to these albums? Let's look at some of P.O.D.'s top picks: Nine Inch Nails and Trent Reznor. . . ![]() Trent Reznor says "point-blank" in People magazine: "If you think I WORSHIP SATAN because of something you see in the 'Closer' video - great!" It’s no coincident that Trent Reznor is the person who got satanist Marilyn Manson (also P.O.D.’s album-mate) signed to a record album! The Nine Inch Nails album that P.O.D. picks as the top albums of 1999 contain the "f-word" 17 times, not to mention much, much more vulgarity, blasphemy and filth. The song "The Wretched", Nine Inch Nails, blasphemously sing: "the clouds will part and the sky cracks open The song "Startf-" (we can’t even give the title), Nine Inch Nails, blasphemously sing: my god sits in the back of the limousine In the song "Where is Everybody", Nine Inch Nail does the ultimate blasphemy – taking the Lord’s name in vain (the GD word). And Christians P.O.D. listens to this blasphemy and filth! And P.O.D. "honor" such blasphemy and filth with their "TOP PICKS" of 1999. And believe me, there’s much more blasphemy and filth in Nine Inch Nails "The Fragile". Santana. . . Who that is slightly familiar with Santana does not know Carlos Santana regularly communicates with demonic spirits and readily admits "Supernatural" was "dictated" via a "supernatural" (hence the album name…) demonic spirit named Metaron. "A card with the word Metatron spelled out in intricately painted letters lies on the floor next to the fireplace. Metatron is an angel. Santana has been in regular contact with him since 1994. . .He has a yellow legal pad at one side, ready for the communications that will come. ‘It’s kind of like a fax machine,’ he says." "The energy of devils and angels is the same energy; its how you use it. It’s fuel. . . You know, the halo and the horns are the same thing, . . ." "So is ‘Supernatural’ made on the lobotomy principle? Metatron is also the name of the angel that satanist Aliester Crowley communicated with. And one of Christian P.O.D.’s top picks for 1999 is an album supernaturally "faxed" to Santana by a admittedly devil spirit! What does this say about the spiritual conviction and discernment of P.O.D.? Should we allow our Christian young people to listen to a group that "awards" an admittedly "devil-transcribed" album one of their TOP PICKS of 1999? Are Christians P.O.D. recommending to Christian young people an album dictated from a "devil"? Not surprisingly, Marcos of P.O.D. admits "devil-inspired" Carlos Santana is a "great inspiration" and "really moved him". "I would have to say a major influence for me growing up would be Carlos Santana. . . he was a great inspiration to me. . . I grew up on - "Black Magic Woman" and all that other stuff - is what really moved me." Incredible, Rolling Stone magazine calls Marcos, of P.O.D. as the "neighborhood Santana worshipper"! (Rolling Stone, March 30, 2000 p. 31) Staind, Dysfunction. . . "Dysfunction" by Staind, one of P.O.D.’s TOP picks is saturated with the "f-word", and filth. Their song "A Flat", Staind frighteningly sings of having ". . .demons in my head. . .": All my faith is gone. . . By the way, have ever seen the ultra-ungodly-blasphemous cover of Staind's "Tormented" album? And this is one of Christians P.O.D. TOP PICKS of 1999! Shootyz Groove, High Definition. . . The album "High Definition" by Shootyz Groove includes one of the most blasphemous attacks at God EVER, EVER, EVER recorded XTC's "Dear God" . Here’s some of the blasphemy: Dear God, Would someone please wake me up and tell me I’m dreaming? NO Christian band could POSSIBLY "honor" such a blasphemous, anti-Christian song as one of their "TOP PICKS"? Surely NO Christian pastor, youth minister, parents could POSSIBLY, in a MILLION, BILLION, ZILLION, YEARS defend a Christian group that could ‘award’ such a song as their TOP PICK! Tell me I’m dreaming. . . Today’s Christians CAN NOT possibly be that messed up! • P.O.D. AND JIMI HENDRIX. • Jimi Hendrix, among rock’s most influential guitarists, was deeply absorbed in the occult, witchcraft, drug usage and mysticism. Jimi believed his music was "spiritual worship" and referred to it as the "Electric Church". After many years of heavy hallucinogenic drugs and occult activity, Hendrix became totally possessed by evil spirits and he knew it On the soundtrack album from the movie on the life of Hendrix, producer Alan Douglas says of Hendrix: "Now one of the biggest things about Jimi was. . . he believed that he was possessed by some spirit, and I got to believe it myself; and that’s what we had to deal with all the time — he really believed it and was wrestling with it constantly." On the same album, girlfriend Fayne Pridgon, also tells of Hendrix's battle with demons: "He used to always talk about some devil or something was in him. You know, and he didn't have any control over it. He didn’t know what made him act the way he acted and what made him say the things he said, and songs and different things like that just come out of him. . . He used to just grab his hair or something, or pull his hair or just stand in the mirror and cry. . . It seems to me he was so tormented and just torn apart and like he really was obessessed, you know, with something really evil. . . He said, ‘You’re from Georgia. . . you should know how people drive demons out’ — He used to talk about us going. . . and having some root lady or somebody see if she could drive this demon out of him."
Fellow rock guitarist Carlos Santana describes a frightening scene with Hendrix: "Everything was fine for the first few moments but then, Carlos remembered sadly, Hendrix started freaking out and playing some ‘wild s-’ that had nothing to do with the song. . . ‘His eyes were all bloodshot and he was foaming at the mouth. [see Mark 9:30, Luke 9:39] It was like being in a room with someone having an epileptic fit.. ." "On another occasion, Santana was taken to watch Hendrix recording and what he saw frightened him, ‘The first time I was really with him was in the studio. He was overdubbing ‘Roomful of Mirrors’ and it was a real shocker to me. He started recording and it was incredible. But within fifteen or twenty seconds he just went out. All of a sudden he was freaking out like he was having a gigantic battle in the sky with somebody. The roadies look at each other and the producer looked at him and they said, ‘Go get him’. They separated him from the amplifier and the guitar and it was like he was having an epileptic fit.’ On September 18, 1970, Jimi Hendrix found out the truth but too late. According to the official coroner's report, Hendrix died, of "an inhalation of vomit due to barbiturate intoxication in the form of quinalbaritone" he choked to death on his own vomit. Considering Jimi Hendrix’s obvious "demon possession", P.O.D. member Marcos Curiel makes a very alarming statement concerning the ‘inspiration’ for their album, Satellite: "I was influenced heavily by Jimi Hendrix and was inspired by him to write this new record.""Inspired by him" an admittedly demon possessed, occultist, drug addict that has been dead for over 30 years! The "Hendrix-inspiration" is clearly seen in the song "Satellite" with the line "Close my eyes, make a wish, kiss the sky". Hendrix’s LSD-drug-inspired song "Purple Haze" has the famous line, "Excuse me while I kiss the sky". "Purple Haze" is a form of LSD.
"Purple Haze" by Jimi HendrixPurple Haze was in my brain, In fact, that particular, lyric-line was so well known, David Henderson, titled his biography of Hendrix, "'Scuse Me While I Kiss the Sky". As a side note: The Christian rockers dcTalk have performed Hendrix's Purple Haze in concert! • P.O.D. PERFORMS WITH OPENLY VULGAR AND SATANIC GROUPS • P.O.D. and OZZFEST. . . P.O.D. has repeatedly performed in concerts and toured with wicked, blasphemous, and vulgar rockers! Not once, not twice, but many times… ![]() One of the most satanic and wicked rock tours is Ozzfest. Ozzfest was started by and named honoring Ozzy Osbourne. An advertisement for the soundtrack from Ozzfest reads: "NOW HELL HAS A SOUNDTRACK". Ozzy is the former lead singer for the original "satan rockers" – Black Sabbath. One of their albums, is truthfully titled, "We Sold Our Soul for Rock'n Roll". Their song N.I.B. (Nativity In Black) is one of the most openly satanic songs ever recorded. It is a love-song from Lucifer, in which Lucifer invites the listener to "please take my hand", the lyrics: "Some people say MY LOVE cannot be true And Christians P.O.D. appear at Ozzfest in "honor" of Ozzy Osbourne! Some of the groups on Ozzfest 2000: Disturbed, Shuvel, Soulfly, Methods of Mayhem, Incubus, Static-X, Kittie, Godsmack, Pantera, Ozzy, Queens of the Stone Age, Slaves on Dope, Taproot, Pitchshifter, Reveille, Deadlights, Primer 55 Here's an eyewitness account of P.O.D. "witnessing" at Ozzfest 2000. This is from a Christian P.O.D. fan.
The words of the Lord Jesus Christ comes in loud and clear: "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you." What is Traa, of P.O.D., opinion of the "hellions" at Ozzfest: "< ful are like friends with everybody on Ozzfest. We all have different lifestyles, and good and bad habits; but when it gets down to it, people are just people." "GW You guys played Ozzfest in 2000. What was it like playing on the same bill as some of the darker heavy metal acts?Marocs, of P.O.D admitts, they always dreamed about being on the Ozzfest tour: G1- How stoked are you about Ozzfest?When P.O.D. is asked the logical and honest question - isn't their a conflict of interest when a so-called Christian band performs with the hellions and wickedness at Ozzfest. And Marcos, of P.O.D. replies "we're not necessarily a Christian band"! G1 - P.O.D. is known for its religious beliefs, and Ozzfest can easily be viewed as a debauchery you know, sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll. Is there a conflict of interest? If there was ANY Bible Believing Christianity and praise for the Lord Jesus Christ in P.O.D.’s music, these ungodly and blasphemous groups at Ozzfest would not want P.O.D. within 10 miles! The world, and especially the Ozzfest rockers, hate the Lord Jesus Christ. . . And you’d better believe if P.O.D.even slightly mentioned the Lord Jesus Christ they would not be invited to Ozzfest! The Lord Jesus said in John 15:19, "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you." • P.O.D AND IRON MAIDEN • ![]() One of Iron Maiden’s albums is titled "The Number of the Beast". In Iron Maiden’s song "The Number of the Beast" they actually encourage young people to receive the mark of the beast! Iron Maiden, The Number of the Beast 666, The number of the Beast And don’t think for one minute it’s just a gimmick. Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden told Hit Parader, they "play with CONVICTION. . ." and ". .TOTALLY BELIEVE in the music we're performing." (Hit Parader, Feb. 1985, p.6) "We can play with CONVICTION every night, because we TOTALLY BELIEVE in the music we're performing." ![]() "Speaking of satanic blessings, here's one powerful piece of evidence connecting Rock priests Iron Maiden with satan. A strange little sign appears somewhere on all their tapes: [see picture at right] Note: Jeff Godwin's book, "Rock and Roll Religion", has much more info on Iron Maiden (and many other rock groups).
Would ANY Christian appear on stage with a group that is singing for young people to receive the mark of the Beast? Would ANY Christian appear on stage with a group that, according to law envatiement officials, their symbol is connected to serious, hard-core, satanism? P.O.D. would and according to Wuv – "that was cool"! "We played with Iron Maiden in Holland. That was cool." SOME OF P.O.D.’s OTHER CONCERT TOURS. . . P.O.D. also toured on Korn’s "Sick and Twisted" Tour. They’ve also toured with such groups as Linkin Park, Blindside, Fenix TX, Sevendust, Korn, Cheap Trick, Black Crowes, and many others. • P.O.D. PROMOTES BLASPHEMPOUS MOVIES • ![]() The movie "Little Nicky" is a sick, perverted, blasphemous, mockery of the Bible. In the sicko-movie, Satan decides to retire, and his three sons, one of which is good "Little Nicky" battle for hell’s dominion. The PG-13 rating describes it as: Adult Situations, Explicit Language, Substance Abuse (Alcohol, Drugs) A review of "Little Nicky" in "Plugged In" says: "There are at least 666 reasons for teens to avoid Little Nicky (PG-13). Twisted sexual humor. Near nudity. Violence. Graphic language. Marijuana use. Bathroom jokes. In other words, it’s a typical Sandler comedy. But this time he includes a dose of warped theology. Here, hell is a place of eternal torment created by grandpa Lucifer with punishments to match a person’s antisocial acts. . . And guess who’s the MAIN performers on the soundtrack? Isn’t it strange how Christians P.O.D. KEEP "popping up" in blatant, anti-Christian, vulgar, movies and music? P.O.D. not only is on the soundtrack, but they also appear in the perverted movie! Guess who else joins P.O.D. in the movie – the "original" satan-rocker himself – Ozzy Osbourne! P.O.D. not only appears in the movie and soundtrack, but they also did promo appearances with Sandler on MTV, promoting the perverted, anti-Christian, filthy, movie! Oh, by the way. . .You can go to the Little Nicky web site and "Send A Friend to Hell"!
There is NOTHING funny about Hell. . . Jesus Christ took hell very serious. Jesus Christ says in Mark 9:43-47, 43 And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: Jesus Christ took hell so serious — He could say without the slightest hesitation — to remove your eye, cut oldreour hand or foot, if that would keep you out of hell!
If hell is not real — Jesus Christ was the most deceived man that ever lived! Jesus Christ mentions hell over 70 times in the New Testament! No Christian, following the Lord Jesus Christ, is going to make fun of hell. No Christian, "half-way" right with God, is going to participate in a movie that "makes hell seem cool" and paints Christians as "marginalized fanatics, hypocrites or vessels for demon possession"!
Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary to keep YOU out of hell! Hell is no joke! Not surprisingly, Marcos, of P.O.D. tells Guitar Legends, in P.O.D.’s "brand" of Christianity, there is NO hell! "It’s not you’re going to burn in hell. It’s love and respect." "We’re not passing out pamphlets that say ‘get your life straight or you’re gonna burn in hell.’ The Bible says it’s God love and kindness that leads people to repentance." Who do you believe is right P.O.D. or the Lord Jesus Christ? P.O.D., as Little Nicky (remember Amos 3:3, "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?") also paints Christians as marginalized fanatics, and hypocrites!
"The KKK members go on Jerry Springer show and say they’re Christians. . . You’ve got people doing these wacky things, blowing up clinics because that’s "what God wants. . . Even 2000, years ago, in Europe, when the Christians would go around martyring people saying, "You need to become a Christian or we are going to kill you. . . That and TV evangelism has left a bad taste in people’s mouths. So P.O.D. is here to give everyone a good taste." "I don't even like saying I'm a Christian sometimes because it leaves such a bad taste in people's mouths." • P.O.D. AND HOWARD STERN • P.O.D. also appeared on the "filthy and nasty" Howard Stern show. "Actually we talked about before, even months before like ‘Wow, it would be cool to go on The Howard Stern Show."" Traa, even admits Howard Stern did not even KNOW they were Christians! Stern listened to their music and did not get enough of a "witness" from P.O.D.’s music to even realize they were Christians! "The Howard Stern show was an experience. . . I think before P.O.D. came on the show, he didn't know we were Christians, so I think he made up in his mind that he liked P.O.D. . . .He found out like 20 minutes before we went on air that we were Christians,. . ." Now, what does that do to the "big fat CCM lie" of "reaching the lost for Christ, blah, blah, blah…" The lost can not even tell they are Christians! Much less, presenting enough of the gospel to be saved! It’s what we’ve documented and proven for years – CCM does not reach the lost, etc. – it feeds the flesh of carnal Christians that REFUSE to obey the Word of God! • P.O.D. AND CALVIN KLEIN • Peddling his blue jeans, underwear and fragrances, fashion designer Calvin Klein, has built a $2-billlion-a year empire. Calvin Klein’s suggestive ads are splattered with blatant lustful, homoerotic, images. From the provocative Brook Shields ads (You know what comes between me and my Calvins?), raunchy rapper Marky Mark and underwear queen Kate Moss, Calvin Klein has pumped "youthful lusts" (see 2 Timothy 2:22) into the living room. Klein’s ads have been described as, "kiddie porn" and "teenage tantalizers". Utilizing provocative and enticing "sex-clothing-fragrance" ads Klein has used his "sensual" products to sell more than just clothing and sweet smells. In fact, in the book, "Obssession: The Life and Times of Calvin Klein", authors Steven Gaines and Sharon Churcher, detail a "vision" Klein received, while partying at the London, gay-drug-disco called Flamingo in 1975. As Klein watched sweaty, shirtless homosexual young men, burning with lust, while dancing sensually, to the disco beat, the "vision" "like a revelation", came: "As Calvin wandered through the crowd at Flamingo, the body heat rushed through him like a revelation; . . . . These men, these outlaws of society, the temperament, the clothing, the feel, the use of drugs as a propellent. . . But most important, the men! The men at Flamingo had less to do about sex for him than the notion of portraying men as gods. He realized that what he was watching was the freedom of a new generation, unashamed, in-the-flesh embodiments of Calvin’s ideals; straight-looking, masculine men, with chiseled bodies, young Greek gods come to life. The vision of shirtless young men with hardened torsos, all in blue jeans, top button opened, a whisper of hair from the belly button disappearing into the denim pants, would inspire and inform the next ten years of Calvin Klein’s print and television advertisements. So compelling was this vision to him that there were nights he could not tear himself away from the crowds and stood for hours at Flamingo entranced until 7:00 A.M." Klein’s "vision" was to "portray men as gods" was not new. . . It seems, someone else, had that same "vision" – Satan. . . 4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: Klein’s "homoerotica" ads have been a player in pushing homosexuality into the mainstream. George Lois, among Madison Avenue’s top advertising executives said, Klein’s ads, "had strong homosexual ramifications" (Obsessions, p. 275). Klein’s ads pictured such perversion as; two males beginning a passionate kiss, urinating, toilet scenes and various "semi-nude" shower scenes. Klein’s blatant homosexual agenda was expanded, when Klein introduced men’s underwear for women. Masculine boxer shorts and wide waist-band briefs – which included the male "fly front". Time magazine, named the "male to female", undies, "Calvin’s New Gender Benders". Klein’s lifestyle is a depraved mixture of intense homosexual activity and heavy drug usage. Klein’s passion, is enticing "straight" boys into homosexual activity with favors, expensive gifts and modeling careers. (Obsessions, p. 220, 307) In 1995, one of Klein’s ad brought about a Federal investigation of child pornography. The ad featured the pictures of six to eight-year-old boys rollicking in Calvin Klein underwear. Robert Peters of Morality in Media, in a "USA Today" interview warned, "Some day, in a child porn investigation, one of these photographs will turn up in somebody's stash," Jean Kilbourne/Marketing Analyst says of Kleins’ ads, "The ads are exploiting our children. This is child pornography basically. And horrifyingly perhaps five years from now this won't be shocking either, because Calvin Klein will be having children having sex on camera in order to sell his jeans." After a massive media outcry, (and Federal probe) Klein later discontinued the "kiddie porn" ad. In an alarming publication, Child Molesters: a Behavioral Analysis, published in 1987 by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, in conjunction with the FBI, documented cases involving pedophiles [child molesters] found with collections of "sexually-stimulating" ads such as Calvin Klein’s "kiddie" underwear ads. And guess who "headlined" the Calvin Klein Ignite Tour? Your guess it – Christians P.O.D.! I’m reminded of the heart-broken cry of Ezekiel when Israel, disobeyed the clear teachings of the Word of God and put no difference between the holy and profane. And the Lord said of P.O.D., uh . . . I mean, Israel, "I am profaned among them". Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they showed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them.Oh, where are the "broken-hearted" Ezekiels of today? Wons ren't we "crying aloud" when we see our Holy God so profaned among much of Christian music?
Calvin Klein’s name for the tour is not without Biblical significance "The Calvin Klein IGNITE Tour". "And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet."