Dr. Terry Watkins, Th.D. | Dial-the-Truth Ministries |
• P.O.D.'s CONFUSING CHRISTIANITY • P.O.D.’s "definition" of Christianity is confusing, at best. . . For instance, what did Wuv of P.O.D. mean in Rolling Stone magazine, when asked about Dr. Dobson’s response to P.O.D.’s touring with Korn? "You were recently criticized by Christian radio talk-show host Dr. Dobson for forsaking your religious beliefs by touring with Ozzfest and Korn". Wuv says CLEARLY, P.O.D. does NOT "adhere to any one religion"! Does that include Jesus Christ and Christianity! Now, that’s right "out of the horses mouth" as they say. Now Christian young person, pastor, youth worker, parent, Christian magazine what are you going to do with that remark?
You can try to justify and rationalize their music in your mind – but that reasoning is COMPLETELY OPPOSITE the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ in John 14:6: Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. According to the Lord Jesus Christ, there is only ONE way to heaven. Wuv also makes the unbelievable statement: "There’s a thousand different definitions of what Christian is, but we don’t feel like there are any lines." "We don’t feel like there are ANY lines!" There is a line a "million miles wide" and that line is the Lord Jesus Christ! No wonder Sonny says the Rastas " . . . believe in Jesus Christ like we do" "And they [Rastas] believe in Jesus Christ just like we do. . . . " Does P.O.D. even KNOW what a Christian is? Movieline asks P.O.D. "are you a Christian band" – look at their confusing answer? Q: Are you or are you not a Christian band? What do they "believe" about Jesus and NOT be a Christian? Is that what the Bible refers to in James 2:19, "the devils also BELIEVE. . ."? "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble." In an Guitar One interview, P.O.D. again, creates confusion about their Christianity: G1- P.O.D. is known for its religious beliefs, and Ozzfest can easily be viewed as a debauchery you know, sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll. Is there a conflict of interest? How do you be a Christian band – "to an extent"? God is NOT the author of CONFUSION:"For God is not the author of confusion,. . ."The Bible commands us to "always be ready to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you" and if you are a Christian that HOPE IS JESUS CHRIST! But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: Marcos, of P.O.D. makes the following confusing statement: ". . .the other night we went to a concert and someone didn’t agree with what we did on stage. They said, ‘I didn’t think you preached. I didn’t hear no wrath, no judgement. . .’ We were like, ‘What? We never talked about that in the first place.’ P.O.D. never "talked about judgement or wrath in the first place"? How and why did you even get saved if there’s no WRATH or JUDGEMENT! That is blatant anti-Bible-Christianity! He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" Does P.O.D. even believe in hell. . .? Jesus Christ preached on hell more than any other subject. He continually warned of a place called Hell. Jesus Christ died on cross because of a place called Hell. Marcos, of P.O.D. tells Guitar Legends, in P.O.D.’s "definition" of Christianity there is NO hell! "It’s not you’re going to burn in hell. It’s love and respect." "We’re not passing out pamphlets that say ‘get your life straight or you’re gonna burn in hell.’ The Bible says it’s God love and kindness that leads people to repentance." If "it’s not you’re going to burn in hell" – WHY DID JESUS CHRIST DIE? For "love and respect" – as Marcos says? Friend, don’t listen to Marcos or Sonny or ANYONE that tells you there is no hell. . . There is a hell and if you die without trusting the shed blood of Jesus Christ and receiving Him as your Saviour – you will spend all eternity in hell! "And IN HELL he lift up his eyes, . . ." And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the LAKE OF FIRE. Read "The Truth About Hell". . . Oh by the way, Rastafarianism also does NOT believe in hell! Are you surprised? • P.O.D. AND JESUS •
The "fundamental of fundamentals of fundamentals" of the Christian faith is the PERSON of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Everything we believe, is based DIRECTLY upon the PERSON of the Lord Jesus Christ. EVERYTHING. Christianity lives and dies on the PERSON not the teachings or morals or example but WHO He was.
The Christian faith is different from any other faith in the world because of the object of it's faith. Unlike other religions, our faith is not based on the teachings but upon the PERSON of the Lord Jesus Christ.
But the Lord Jesus Christ says:
But the Lord Jesus said in John 12:32
And in much of Contemporary Christian Music there is a distortion and perversion of the Lord Jesus Christ. They try to make Him "cool", hip, super-tolerant, boys-will-be-boys, all loving, sugar-daddy in the sky. Of course, any one slightly familiar with the Bible knows how false this is. (see Matthew 23 or Mark 11)
This perversion is clearly seen in Carman's "Resurrection Rap" video, as the Lord Jesus Christ is portrayed as a confused street hippie, while the pharisees and apostles are street gang members! The crucifixion takes place, not on Calvary — but in a back alley gang fight! The Lord Jesus Christ is thrown into a GARBAGE DUMPSTER. And satanic tarot cards are used to tell the gospel story!
But no so-called Christians, that I've found, have openly distorted and perverted the Lord Jesus Christ as P.O.D. I am shocked and sickened at how the Christian world has allowed P.O.D. to so distort the Lord Jesus Christ!
CCM Magazine carried a cover story on P.O.D. titled "You've Got Questions, They've Got Answers" (CCM January 2001) not one single question about the Rastafarian theology being taught (Col. 3:16) in their music! In fact, in the article, CCM Magazine displays a large, color, picture of P.O.D. Rastafarian "Jesus"! How in the world does a Christian close their eyes to such a perversion of their Lord and Savior!
HM (formerly Heaven's Metal, now Hard Music) Magazine did a cover story of P.O.D. titled "The Most Important Rock Band Today" (HM Sep/Oct 2001). Again, a picture of Rasta "Jesus" is displayed in the article. The article praises P.O.D.'s inclusion of the false religion Rasta preachers/singers HR and Eek-A-Mouse on their Satellite album. Again, nothing but lavious praise for these perverters of the PERSON of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Let’s get something straight – the Lord Jesus Christ was NOT A RASTAFARIAN! A concert review of P.O.D. at Ozzfest, notices the clear message of the "Rastafarian Jesus" notice the Rastafarian connections to the smoking of marijuana (which is used in Rastafarianism): Anybody who would display the lovely Lord Jesus Christ as a Rastaman is clearly, spiritually "not playing with a full deck"! Any Christian who would tolerate and advocate someone who perverts the Lord Jesus Christ into a Rastaman – is spiritually SICKO! Shame on you if you defend and listen to P.O.D.! Why would a Christian tolerate such wicked, perversion of the Lord Jesus? Simple. . . They LOVE rock music more than they LOVE the Lord Jesus! Their attitude is – "I don’t care if these CCM rock stars PERVERT and LIE about the Lord Jesus – but don’t you dare say nothing negative about my rock stars, like P.O.D.!" That’s the doctrine of the average CCM rocker. We’ve documented it. . . We’ve proved it . . . MANY, MANY TIMES. . .
Rastafarianism does NOT teach that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Jesus (John 14:6)
Reggae musician Bob Marley has done, far more than any other person to evangelize Rastafarianism.
"During this US tour [1975], Bob paid a visit to his mother in Delaware for a couple of days. This time Bob had clearly decided to instruct her fully in Rastafari. ". . . no Jesus Christ no more. . ." Marley’s profanity-laced, song "Get Up, Stand Up", which is a rallying cry for Rastafarianism, takes a vicious swipe at the Lord Jesus Christ: We sick an' tired of your bulls--- game,Marley sings to "die and go to heaven in Jesus name" is a "bullsh-- game"! Is this what P.O.D believes just like the Rastas?
Notice: The picture with Sonny of P.O.D. wearing the Marley t-shirt on the right. It's worth noting, this particular shirt is also symbolic of Rastafarianism. The colors of Marley's face is green, gold and red, which are also colors very symbolic in Rastafarianism. Sonny of P.O.D. makes an incredible statement, identifying P.O.D. and the Bible with false-prophet Bob Marley: "If you listen to old school reggae music and Marley himself, 95 percent of his lyrics are scripture, straight from the bible, the word of God. I used to listen to reggae music and it made me a peaceful person. . . when I identified with a music, it was reggae music. We definitely respect that culture." "There are a lot of different types of music that we listen to.....I mean, there's a lot of Reggae music that I like. If you listen to a lot of Reggae music, 99% of it is scripture. If you listen to a lot of Bob Marley's music, most of it is scripture straight from the word." "Next they [POD] played an incredibly moving version of "Set Your Eyes to Zion" BGCn the spirit of Bob Marley—Sonny actually sounded just like him when he held some of the higher notes."Now why didn't CCM magazines' article on "You've Got Questions, They've Got Answers" ask P.O.D. what do they REALLY believe about the Lord Jesus Christ! Why didn't HM or CCM ask P.O.D. why do they portray Jesus as a Rastaman? Hm.... P.O.D. obviously believe Jesus was a Rastaman by their display! P.O.D. admittedly believe the Rastafarian concept of Jesus! What do you believe friend? Do you believe the Lord Jesus Christ was a dreadlocked, Rastaman? Do you believe He is pleased with P.O.D. displaying Him as a Rastaman? And do you believe He is pleased with you listening to P.O.D. and defending them? Think about that. . . I don't think that'll take too long to get an answer. . . Sonny, of P.O.D., in Shoutweb, also claims Jesus Christ was the first rebel and the "first punk rocker"! "We believe that Jesus was the first rebel. He was the first punk rocker going against all the rest of it" Let’s get something straight! – MR. SONNY – the Lord Jesus Christ was NOT A REBEL! The Lord Jesus Christ was OBEDIENT unto death – even the death of the cross! Phil. 2:8Even in the Garden of Gethsemane, knowing that every wicked, abominable sin committed in history was going to be placed upon Him (2 Cor. 5:17), knowing that He was going to drink the cup of wrath of God, and in great agony, His sinless sweat was dropping as it were great drops of blood even then, Thank God, Thank God HE DID NOT REBEL! As He prayed ". . .not my will, but thine, be done." 42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.Oh my Christian friend, aren't so glad that Jesus Christ was NOT a rebel. That He was OBEDIENT unto His Father's will. Aren't you glad that Sonny of P.O.D. is so wrong. If Jesus Christ REBELLED, one second, one thought, one sin, there would be no hope. Aren't you glad Sonny is wrong and Jesus Christ loved you so much that He died for you on Calvary? Christian, doesn’t it make you mad – to hear someone so distort your Saviour! The Bible says "rebellion" is as the sin of "witchcraft"! 1 Samuel 15:23If that weren't bad enough. . . in a magazine interview for all the world to read, Sonny says that Jesus Christ was the first PUNK ROCKER!
"We believe that Jesus was the first rebel. He was the first punk rocker going against all the rest of it"TO compare the holy, sinless, Lord Jesus Christ with Sid Vicious, the Sex Pistols, the Dead Kennedys, et. al. is beyond stupidity it is SICKO, PERVERTED thinking! For a so-called Christian, to even think such a thought, much less say it in a magazine interview for all the world to read! God help us! When we allow Christians to make such wicked comparisons to our Lord and Saviour we know the Christian world is in BAD, BAD spiritual shape. It would be funny. . . if so many young people weren’t falling for this spiritual sickness. I hope you're not expecting to hear the name Jesus in P.O.D.'s songs. Q: Are you or are you not a Christian band? "Every song might not say Jesus in it, It might not have a spiritual overtone, but the passion and emotion behind it, the chords – I’m playing that to the higher power above, which is God, dude." That’s pitiful. . . "Every song might not say Jesus in it" – In FACT, their album "Fundamental Elements of Southtown" contains 16 songs, over 2600 words – and yet, the wonderful name of Jesus Christ is NOWHERE! Not ONE time. . . In 16 songs. Over 2600 words. . . Oh can find the Rasta god 'Jah'. You can find the Rasta 'I and I' but you will not find the Lovely Lord Jesus. Their album Satellite contains 15 songs, over 3000 words. But among those 3000 words Jesus is nowhere to be found. NO Jesus. . . And NO Jesus . . . NO Gospel. . .! I hear people talk about P.O.D. (and CCM) reaching the lost for Jesus Christ but . . .
How can you reach someone with the Lord Jesus Christ – when you will NOT even mention His NAME? Kind of hard isn't it? That’s’ the ONLY name that will save a lost sinner. . . Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Remember the conversation, we saw previously, where Bob Marley converted his mom from Christianity to Rastafari: 'Bob tell me that His Majesty is the Almighty God - it not Jesus no more. . . . Yes, Bob, "no Jesus Christ no more" in P.O.D.s Fundamental Elements of Southtown or Satellite! 31 songs! Over 5600 words! The Bible comforts us with the "Blessed Hope" and the "glorious appearing" of our Saviour Jesus Christ. That ought to be every Christian's prayer. Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;The last prayer in the Bible is "Even so, come, Lord Jesus" (Rev 22:20). But don't expect to hear the 'Blessed Hope' in P.O.D.'s music. "It’s not like ‘Jesus is coming back," he croons in a wavering heavy metal falsetto. ‘You won’t hear that in a P.O.D. song. We break it down street-style"I got some sad news for ya Wuv [. . .and it will be sad for P.O.D. if they continue PERVERTING the Lord Jesus Christ!] It is like Jesus is coming back! In one magazine interview, Sonny of P.O.D. makes a malicious remark about the wonderful Second Coming of Christ. The Second Coming is the Christian's Blessed Hope (Titus 2:13). Look at the hateful response to the Second Coming: "People come up and say to me, 'What do you think of the Book of Revelations and the prophecies about the Second Coming of Christ?' And it's like, "You know what, dude? That's not my normal, everyday topic of conversation,"Can you believe such a cruel response to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? This is unbelievable.
In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.Who do you think is right? WUV or JESUS? One of the most ridiculous statements EVER to come out the mouth of a human being came from Wuv of P.O.D in New Music magazine. Read this brilliant statement: "We look at Jesus, he’s our biggest example. He didn’t go and talk Bible talk. He broke it down so people could understand it. He told parables, and that’s what we do in our lyrics. We’re from the street; we’re not Bible scholars—we don’t know the lingo. . ." Jesus "didn’t go and talk Bible talk"! Hey Wuv, Jesus Christ is the Bible! The Bible is His words! Matthew 24:35 John 14:23 John 1:14 " . . . Jesus didn’t go and talk Bible talk. . ." The third great commandment in the Bible is: Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.When we think of taking the Lord's name in vain today, we normally think of the G--D--- word. But to take God's name in vain means more than that. To take God's name in vain is to use God's name irreverent, worthless, meaningless, no real value, foolish, silly.
Vain:In Alternative Press (AP) magazine, Wuv sings the Lord's name in vain. The obvious irreverence literally sent a chill down my spine when I read this. This is no laughing matter. "P.O.D drummer Wuv is in the driver's seat of his shiny Ford F150, booming his band's new Atlantic record, Satellite. . . Wuv suddenly cuts the volume midway into the song and shouts, 'Jesus loves you!' 'That's what you're waiting for, right?' he asks, smiling." Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.One of the songs on P.O.D.s album Satellite is Portrait. It was originally titled Christ. Wuv says of Portrait: "So, with the song 'Christ,' it's like. 'Here's our picture of Christ.'"(Revolver, Nov/Dec 2001, p.62)
Portrait by P.O.D.Now you've got to hear this to believe it! The word Christ is a demonic sounding voice growl! (I've got several examples of CCM where this occurs. They'll sing the other words normal but when they get to Jesus or Christ a demon voice growls it!) To Listen to this short clip of "Portrait" in RealAudio Isn't that amazing? Remember what Wuv said,"Here's our picture of Christ." The "looney-tune" award of the year "hands down" goes to Dave Urbanski, writing in CCM magazine (Oct. 2001, p.50) a review of P.O.D.'s Satellite. Remember the growling - "Christ" you just heard; "The album ends with a track ('Portrait') that more than reflects P.O.D.'s convictions, as it repeatedly lifts up Christ by name." (CCM, Oct. 2001, p. 50) Go ahead and laugh. . . You can't take such nonsense serious! NOW. . . Do you REALLY believe that demonic "Christ" pleases the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you REALLY believe the Lord is pleased with the 'Portrait' P.O.D. has painted of Him? Do you REALLY believe the Lord is pleased with you listening to P.O.D.? I mentioned earlier the Resurrection Rap by Carman. . . I'll never forget a phone call I received one day. . . As I answered the phone, there was an elderly lady weeping on the phone. After a few minutes, she told me why she was weeping. A friend gave her Carman's video with Resurrection Rap. As Resurection Rap came on, and Jesus was dumped in a garbage dump, she ripped the video from the VCR, took it in the backyard and burnt it [thank God!]. I'll never forget her weeping, as she asked me, "Preacher, what are they doing to my Lord?"Oh Christian friend, doesn't it break your heart when you see these so-called Christians so distort and pervert the one that loved you so much He died on a old, rugged cross. To treat Him so irreverent and vain.
• P.O.D.'s ONLY CRITICISM • I’ve read scores and scores of interviews with P.O.D. And I’ve found only one thing they take a stand against. I’ve only found one thing they criticize, over and over. P.O.D. does NOT "criticize" wicked, secular bands like Primus: MTV: You’re touring with Primus. Are you big Primus fans? P.O.D. does NOT criticize the wicked bands at Ozzfest – They are fans of the bands at Ozzfest. Shoutweb: Tell me about Ozzfest. "We are like friends with everybody on Ozzfest" Sonny, says it’s an honour to be on Ozzfest with the "original" satan rocker Ozzy Osbourne: "It’s an honor to be on OZZFest with somebody that has the foundation, the background that Ozzy does." To P.O.D. it’s a compliment to be compared to Korn or Rage Against the Machine: HP: You’ve been compared to bands ranging from Korn to Rage Against the Machine. Do such comparisons please you? P.O.D.’s not gonna "dog" [criticize] the ordained, "official" reverend in the Church of Satan, Marilyn Manson: Sonny on Marilyn Manson; The devil-inspired, Carlos Santana is a "great inspiration" to P.O.D. "I would have to say a major influence for me growing up would be Carlos Santana. . . he was a great inspiration to me. . . I grew up on - "Black Magic Woman" and all that other stuff - is what really moved me." P.O.D. doesn’t criticize, demon possessed, occultist, drug addict, Jimi Hendrix. In fact, Hendrix inspired P.O.D. to write their album Satellite: "I was influenced heavily by Jimi Hendrix and was inspired by him to write this new record." P.O.D. doesn’t criticize blasphemous, filthy Kid Rock – they "thank him" on their album. P.O.D. doesn’t criticize adulterous, pot smoking, anti-Jesus, Rasta prophet, Bob Marley: "If you listen to old school reggae music and Marley himself, 95 percent of his lyrics are scripture, straight from the bible, the word of God. I used to listen to reggae music and it made me a peaceful person. . . when I identified with a music, it was reggae music. We definitely respect that culture." P.O.D. doesn’t criticize "drinking, smoking, doing drugs, or swearing" according to P.O.D. "those aren’t even issues": "Do you try to set a good example? Do you drink, smoke, do drugs, or swear, for instance? P.O.D. doesn’t have a problem appearing on the filthy Howard stern show: "Actually we talked about before, even monthsd inore like ‘Wow, it would be cool to go on The Howard Stern Show."" P.O.D. admittedly doesn’t "condemn" homosexuals or non-believers: "Sandoval [Sonny] says he’s certain that P.O.D. has never once condemned anyone—be it Limp Bizkit fans, homosexuals or non-believers." There is only ONE thing that I found P.O.D. to continually criticize and condemn. . . It’s not the satanic secular rockers, like Manson or Ozzy or Incubus. . . It’s not filthy rockers like Kid Rock. . . It’s not false prophets like Bob Marley and HR. . . It’s not filthy shows like Howard Stern. . . It’s not blasphemous movies like "Little Nicky" Who could it be? There is one group that P.O.D. continually attacks and criticizes! CHRISTIANS! You read right! P.O.D. over and over criticizes Christians and Christianity! Traa, tells MTV "Christians martyred people . . .": "A lot of people get scared because they have this distorted image of what Christianity is, or they’re thinking back two hundred years ago when Christians martyred people. That’s not us at all. We’re all about love, compassion, and peace." Traa, you need to go read Church History. May I suggest you start with Foxes Book of Martyrs or the Martyrs Mirrors – it was the Christians that were martyred! They were fed to the lions, dipped in wax and burnt as candles, their skulls crushed, hid in catacombs, sewn in bags with rattlesnakes. All the Apostles, except for John, died a horrible martyr’s death! And then read Hebrews "Heroes of the Faith" in Chapter 11, "They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; The absurdity of a "supposedly" Christian accusing Christians of "martyring people". P.O.D. compares Christians to the Ku Klux Klan, and abortion clinic bombers! Why take some racist, killers, and idiots and make them Christians? Why not mention men like John Wesley, George Whitfield, the Apostle Paul or Peter, Billy Sunday, Dwight L. Moody, why find the worst possible character and paint a Christian with that brush? "The KKK members go on Jerry Springer show and say they’re Christians. . . You’ve got people doing these wacky things, blowing up clinics because that’s "what God wants. . . Even 2000, years ago, in Europe, when the Christians would go around martyring people saying, "You need to become a Christian or we are going to kill you. . . That and TV evangelism has left a bad taste in people’s mouths. So P.O.D. is here to give everyone a good taste." What an opportunity to witness for gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ? Metal Edge magazine. . . ? What an opportunity to tell thousands of lost kids about the Lord Jesus Christ! And what do they do? They take a swipe at Christianity! They relate Christianity with the KKK and the Inquisition! Not surprising, Traa admits to MTV, they "don’t even go to church", and they "pick up the Bible when they have time" "We didn’t even go to church, you know what I mean? We found God in our hearts and in our lives, period. We pick up the Bible when we have time, we read it, and what God does in our life, that’s what he does." "’You know how many people over the years have come ‘in the name of Jesus’ and organized religion, that people look at it and go, ‘Man, if that’s what knowin’ Jesus is about, I don’t want any part of it.’ And I don’t blame ‘em." Why always paint a NEGATIVE picture of Christianity? Why not mention the thousands of people’s lives put back together because of 'the name of Jesus and organized religion'? What about the thousands and thousands of drug addicts, drunkards, satanists, prostitutes, broken homes, abused children, people without any hope, whose lives were "born again" because of the wonderful name of Jesus Christ and organized religion? What about all the live-changing revivals of Billy Sunday, Dwight L. Moody, Spurgeon, Torrey, and Billy Graham that came in the name of Jesus and organized religion? How about all the thousands of hospitals, rescue missions and churches that were built in the name of Jesus and organized religion? How about all the thousands of missionaries who literally gave their lives to bring the wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ to people without any hope? What about some of those people? What about those faithful Christians, God mentions in Hebrews chapter 11, that the Lord says "Of whom the world was not worthy". . . Hebrews 12:33-38 I have not read ONE good thing P.O.D. has said about Bible Believing Christians! Boy, with friends like this who needs enemies! P.O.D. attacks even the term ‘Christian’ "To tell the truth, though, I don’t even like the term Christian. . . " Wow! Now what kind of "Christian" does NOT like the term "Christian"? I love the term Christian! It associates me with the Lord Jesus Christ! And I’d rather be associated with Him than anyone else in the world! Here’s a definition of a Christian: Chris • tian What Christian would not like the term Christian – a "person who believes in Jesus Christ"! Marocs of P.O.D. even says he HATES the term Christian! "We’re not going to condemn them or judge them. That’s why I hate the term." "I don’t even like the terminology. For me, the term ‘Christian’, like Sonny said there are a lot of things that have been done in the name of Christianity that is embarrassing to me." What about Marilyn Manson ripping up the Bible on stage. . . None of that seems to embarrass P.O.D.! They perform on stage with them. . . They promote their music. . . It’s only the Christians that embarrasses P.O.D. – and over and over they criticize Christianity! "I don't even like saying I'm a Christian sometimes because it leaves such a bad taste in people's mouths." Sonny mentions the hypocrisy in Christians . . . Why not the millions of good, very faithful, sacrificing Christians? Why always attack the Christians? And for P.O.D to accuse ANY other Christian of hypocrisy is a ‘sure winner’ for the most ridiculous statement of the decade! "The lyrics [Christ] talk about what we’ve come to know in our faith in Christ," Sonny explains, "and also the hypocrisy we see in a lot of people who call themselves Christians." Always negative, always an attack on mainstream Christianity. "When they paint pictures of Christianity and religion on TV, those people you see on the screen are just doing it for the money. That makes us sick. That’s not the Jesus I know." It seems P.O.D. can fit in, tour with, perform with, recommend, respect, honor and thank some of the most blasphemous, anti-Jesus, vulgar, filthy, wicked, perverted groups in the world – but conservative Christians – no way! "We don't fit in with the conservative values of Christian America." Have you read enough [believe me, we have more]? THE EVIDENCE IS CLEAR. . . According to the clear teachings of the Bible, P.O.D. and their music:
I find it IMPOSSIBLE to believe that the Holy God of the Bible could in ANY WAY, SHAPE or FORM be PLEASED with the music of P.O.D.! ‘Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." Christian parents, pastors, youth leaders and young people is this the kind of music and influence you want "teaching and admonishing" you and young people? 2 Peter chapter 2 gives the Christian a very serious warning. One that we should not take lightly: 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.The warning in 2 Peter sounds a lot like "you know who". It describes "false prophets among the people [The Christians]" who:
". . . choose you this day whom ye will serve;. . .