Dr. Terry Watkins | Dial-the-Truth Ministries |
One of the major problems facing America today is fatherless families. Today, fathers are an endangered species. It’s gotten so bad, President Bush and Congress have proposed "buy back the fathers" programs offering cash incentives just to encourage fathers to marry.
The father’s role in a family can not be overemphasized. Look at the following alarming statistics:
A Heritage Foundation study found that growing up without a father is now the single most reliable predictor of crime. Louis Sullivan, former secretary of Health and Family Services, said, "Male absence from family life is the greatest challenge of our generation." Despite the overwhelming evidence testifying to the desperate need for fathers in our society, the radical feminists and lesbians have lobbied long and hard to diminish the role of fathers. Free Congress Foundation director Michael Schwarz truthfully writes about feminism: "Feminists take the position that fathers are largely irrelevant in terms of child rearing," The National Organization for Women (N.O.W) leaves no doubt to what the feminist think of fathers. A December 3, 1999 N.O.W., Action Alert included this statement, "It’s a father’s presence, not his absence, that is harmful to kids." www.alliance4lifemin.org/herestoyoudad.html If you really want to see a feminist "blow a gasket", just mention the word "patriarchy". Patriarchy basically means the father is the head of the home. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines "patriarchy" as: pa•tri•arch•y 1 : social organization marked by the supremacy of the father in the clan or family, the legal dependence of wives and children, and the reckoning of descent and inheritance in the male line; One group of radical feminists calls themselves, Feminists Earning A Reputation United States [FEAR US]. According to their website, "Fear Us is a secret, underground organization whose sole mission is the elimination of patriarchy. . ." (www.fearus.org) Radical feminist and lesbian author, Virginia Ramey Mollenkott, was stylistic consultant for the "original" New International Version (NIV). Mollenkott is author of at least 11 radical feminist pro-homosexual books, including the highly controversial "Is the Homosexual My Neighbor" and "The Divine Feminine". Mollenkott, leaves little doubt, to the feminist position on "fathers" or "patriarchy". ![]() "Patriarchy is a profoundly mistaken social system that has caused misery to millions and could yet cause the destruction of humankind and the planet we share together." Got to get rid of those "fathers". . . After all, they’re causing ". . .the destruction of humankind and the planet we share together. . ." Well, Virginia, you will be glad to know, your NIV-NIVI-TNIV companions are certainly doing their part to get rid of "fathers". The TNIV removes "fathers" at least 55 times, and "father" over 100 times! If you doubt for one minute, the NIV and company are not following the feminist footsteps, the following statement is from the Preface of the New International Version Inclusive Edition [NIVI]: This is unbelievable. . . ". . . it was recognised, that it was often appropriate to mute the patriarchalism of the culture of the biblical writers through gender-inclusive language when this could be done without compromising the message of the Spirit." The NIVI translators are the same people, same methodology used in the NIV, TNIV, and NIVI. In fact, it was the translators original goal to completely replace the "original" NIV with the Inclusive NIVI. What do they swap the "fathers" for?
Are the TNIV translators and publishers gonna pull that "in today’s language. . .reaching today’s generation" propaganda? Is the word "fathers" outdated? Hmm. . . .? And "ancestors" is "today’s language"? Hmm. . .? Clearly, it has NOTHING to do with reaching this generation with today’s language. I don’t guess it matters to the TNIV translators that the Greek word "pater" is the direct descendent to our English word "father". The etymology of "father" is Middle English fader, Old English f[ae]der; to Old German fater father, Latin pater, Greek patEr. In fact, the Latin word for "father" is the Greek "pater". Hebrews 12:5-9, is an example of a gross mistranslation of the Greek word "pater" or "father". Hebrews 12:5-10, KJB 5 And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him: Hebrews 12:5-10, TNIV 5 And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as children? It says, "My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, Note the change from "son" to "children" and "father" to "parents". In order to pull off this pro-feminist mis-translation madness the singular Greek word "huios" [son] must magically become plural [children]. And the singular Greek word "pater" [father] must also magically become plural neuter [parents]. Again, (as we’ve documented many times) we’re witnessing a deliberate, intentional, defiant, mis-translation of the God-breathed Greek text. The purpose of Hebrews 12:5-10 is to illustrate the chastisement of God the Father. By the TNIV distorting the comparison example of "fathers of our flesh which corrected us", there is clearly a subtle (see Genesis 3:1) murkiness to the parallel of God the Father. Verses where the TNIV changes "fathers" to "ancestors" (38 times)
Verses where the TNIV changes "fathers" to "patriarchs" (4 times)
Verses where the TNIV changes "fathers" to "parents" (2 times)
Verses where the TNIV changes "fathers" to "people" (1 time)
Completely Removed