As the soon coming of the Lord Jesus is becoming more apparent every day, the ferocious attack at Bible Believing Christians is becoming more mainstream, more open and much more depraved. Just a few short years ago, there was a God-fearing respect for the Bible Believing Christian and the things of God. But no more. . .
Two of the surest signs of the soon coming of the Lord Jesus is the unmerciful assault on Bible Believing Christians and the loving acceptance of the vile sin of homosexuality. Both are occurring like a speeding bullet. And both are unmistakable signs prophesied in the Word of God.
In Matthew 24:3, the disciples asked the Lord Jesus, ". . .Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?" The Lord Jesus Christ describes today’s world with more precision than the evening newscast. There shall be "false Christs (vs 5). . . wars and rumours of war (vs 3). . . famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places" (vs 7) .
And in verse 9, the Lord Jesus says:
Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
Matthew 24:9
The Bible Believing "right-wing" Christian is the most attacked, ridiculed, persecuted and hated person on the planet. And it will get worse.
Again in 2 Timothy 3, the subject of the "last days" are addressed. And again the portrayal of today’s world is right on target.
3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
2 Timothy 3:1-5
And again in verse 12, the coming persecution of Christians is forecast.
12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
2 Timothy 3:12-13
The Days of Lot
In Luke 17 one of the signs of the coming of the Lord Jesus is the "days of Lot." The days of Lot were characterized with the sin of homosexuality which resulted in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.
30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
Luke 17:28-30
The recent persecution and demotion of Judge Roy Moore for displaying the hated Ten Commandments is a earth-shattering testimony to the prophesied hatred for the Lord Jesus Christ and the Christian faith. But on the other hand, the blatant defiance of the undisputed marriage laws by same-sex marriage advocate officials are praised as courageous and heroic. Could the prophetic words of the Lord Jesus be any clearer?
My Bible Believing friend, put on your spiritual armor, buckle your chin strap, get your Bible, dig in and brace yourself for "last days" scriptures such as Matthew 24:9 and 2 Timothy 3:12 are here. We have nervously viewed them through a "glass darkly" but now these verses are becoming "crystal clear". And it will get worse. Much, much worse. . .
A disturbing thermometer measuring the hate-filled temperature toward Bible Believing Christianity, while tenderly embracing the last days sin of homosexuality is the upcoming teen movie Saved! This mainstream movie is among the most open, blatant, mockery and attack on Bible Believing Christianity and Jesus Christ in modern times.
The Saved! filmmaking staff consists of mostly homosexuals and homosexual-advocates.
Directed by homosexual-rights-advocate Brain Dannelly, Saved! is blatantly anti-Christian and pro-homosexual. It is designed to victimize the "innocent" homosexual and demonize the "hate-filled, judgmental" Christians. The reviews I have read and the trailers I have viewed are alarmingly irreverent and blasphemous. Dannelly’s only other movie as director was He Bop (2000), which combines both pro homosexuality and the occult. He Bop is about a sixteen year old boy whose dead grandmother’s spirit helps him accept his homosexuality.
Homosexual Saved! producer, Sandy Stern says, "Being gay is just a part of who I am." (The Advocate, Nov. 9, 1999)
Another Saved! producer is rock band REM singer Michael Stipe, who is openly homosexual that proudly describes himself as a "queer artist" (Time 15, 2001).
The acting cast of the Saved! consists of some shining stars such as teen-heart-throb pop-star, Mandy Moore, "Home Alone" Macaulay Culkin, Jena Malone, teen "sex symbol" Patrick Fugit, Heather Matarazzo, Martin Donovan, Eva Amurri, Chad Faust and others.
The Saved! carries the PG-13 rating for "strong thematic issues involving teens - sexual content, pregnancy, smoking and language."
Saved! is an irreverent, sick, blasphemous comedy that takes place at the "Baptist" Eagle Mountain Christian High School. The Christians are all portrayed as obnoxious, kooky, Christian rockers who are silly, rude, evil and violent hypocrites. The profane plot begins with "super-Christian" Mary (Jena Malone), whose dreamboat and boyfriend, Dean (Chad Faust), surprisingly reveals, "I think I'm gay!" The spiritual perversion soon begins as Jesus appears to Mary in a vision and commands Mary to "save" Dean from homosexuality. So Mary believes Jesus tells her to have sex with Dean in order to "convert" him from homosexuality. While losing her virginity, Mary becomes pregnant. So now, "super-Christian" Mary is mad at God for letting her get pregnant and she begins to doubt her Christian faith. She soon openly rebels against God. During one scene in the blasphemous Saved!, Mary is looking at the cross of Calvary and she begins spewing vulgar profanity for the first time in her life to show God her rebellion.
And the Saved! filth and freak show continues as Dean's Christian parents find his stash of homosexual pornography. Demonizing Dean’s Christian parents as cultural religious kooks, they send Dean to a homosexual rehab center. Of course, at the rehab center Dean finds his "true love", another rehab homosexual and they share the same room. Did I fail to mention that most of the Saved! production staff is homosexuals or homosexual advocates? Not surprisingly, the most sane and sensible scenes in the movie is the lustful love affair of Dean and his homo lover, as they are picture perfect "love birds".
Back to the kooky, zany Christians. . .
After backslidden "former super Christian" Mary gets pregnant, the Christians, led by the obnoxious-evil incarnate, Hilary Faye (Mandy Moore), violently condemn Mary to the "fires of hell". Christian Hilary Faye is portrayed in the worst possible light. One scene she violently throws the Bible at Mary screaming, "I’m filled with the love of Christ". Another scene Hilary Faye knocks down a huge plywood cut-out of a long haired, "hip", tennis shoe wearing Jesus and she blasphemously screams, "My butt knocked down Jesus". Another time liar Christian Hilary paints nasty graffiti around the school and frames Mary, which gets Mary and her "lost" friends kicked out of school. In one ridiculous and ungodly scene, Hilary and her Christian friends tackle "demon possessed" Mary and attempt to perform an exorcism on her. The Christians are portrayed as liars, violent, irreverent, hypocrites basically the devil himself. But the homosexuals are wonderful people. Did I fail to mention that most of the Saved! production staff is homosexuals or homosexual advocates?
Mandy Moore (who plays the Christian leader Hilary Faye) says of her "Christian" character:
"Hilary Faye is really strong-minded, and very, very religious," says Moore. "She has a really strong sense of faith and knows where she’s going. She’s not afraid of who she is or of spreading the word. On the other hand, she’s very insecure. She doesn’t have an identity outside of Jesus, and you really see throughout the film how she uses her faith to control people and to take advantage of people around her. "The fact is," Moore continues, "Hilary Faye has come from a really loveless family, and she’s escaped that by finding solace in Jesus and by spreading that word to everyone. It’s become such a part of her that when she starts to doubt it a little bit she begins to break apart. You actually see the first glimpse of the true Hilary Faye at the very end of the film. She becomes human".
< "production notes">
Oh I see. . . When "Christian" Hilary Faye starts to doubt her Christian faith and rebel against God – "She becomes human"! What a vicious hateful slap at the Bible Believing Christian! You’re not even a human! Can you imagine the outcry if that same remark was said in reference to "race" or "gender" or "ethnic"? Only Christians are so hated today!
Duane Byrge in a review for Sundance Film Festival, calls "right wing" Christian Hilary, "evil forces of Moore’s Christian monster, the racist Hilary Faye. . ."
Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
Matthew 24:9
Then there is Christian Pastor Skip. . .
The youth pastor and principal of the Christian school, Pastor Skip (Martin Donovan) is another genuine Christian kook (of course). Pastor Skip’s "Christian" wife left him (of course) to serve the Lord (of course) as a missionary in South America. Pastor Skip uses ridiculous "hip-hop, Christian rock" lingo, screaming such sacrilegious nonsense as "Are you ready to get your Jesus on?" or "Get down with G-O-D!" And of course, "Christian" Pastor Skip is a hypocrite and adulterer (what did you expect?). Pastor Skip commits adultery with "super Christian" Mary's "super Christian" mother (of course). In case you are blind and missing the point here – the Christians are all devils, adulterers, liars, kooks, lawbreakers, evil, wicked hypocrites, who irreverently toss around the wonderful name of "Jesus" in virtually every sentence. But the homosexuals, now that is a different story – beautiful and kind "victimized" people. Did I fail to mention that most of the Saved! production staff is homosexuals or homosexual advocates?
And of course, blaring throughout the Saved! is a steady supply of ungodly Christian Rock. The real Christian rock group the Elms were originally scheduled to appear in Saved!, but after reading some of the wicked script, they refused (thank God). Several other Christian rockers also refused (thank God). Also, after viewing the script, the owner of the original home scripted to be Mary’s house refused. Also, after viewing the script, a Lutheran church originally scripted in the sacrilegious Saved! refused. Thank God.
And others. . .
There is Cassandra. Cassandra (Eva Amurri), is a rebellious, smoking, anti-Christ, Jewish teen who mocks and ridicules the kooky Christians. In one ungodly scene, Cassandra speaks profanity in "pig Latin" while faking to speak in tongues at a school assembly. While speaking in tongues, she is also intentionally exposing her body to the school assembly. Of course, Christian Hilary Faye "interprets" the filthy words Cassandra was really speaking. Wicked, wicked stuff.
Get this tidbit, after overly demonizing the Christians, according to the Saved!’s official website, Cassandra, the rebellious anti-Christ is the hero! "In doing research screenings of Saved!, the filmmakers found that audiences responded very positively to Cassandra. . . Producer Stern recalls a teenager who remarked, ‘If you really look at Cassandra, even though she’s Jewish, you realize she’s one of the most "Christian" characters’."<>
Incredible. The most openly anti-Christ, vulgar, smoking, mocker of Christians is considered "the most Christian" and "audiences responded very positively to"!
"Home Alone" super-star Macaulay Culkin plays wheel chair bound Roland, a born-again Atheist. Teen "sex symbol" Patrick Fugit plays Patrick, Pastor Skip’s skateboarding "extremely-cool-rocker" far-out son. In one scene, teen "sex symbol" Patrick is shown nearly naked. One teen review describes the scene as, "To be honest, the other reasons to see it, for me at least, is that. . . Patrick Fugit (who has a wonderful scene here where he wears next to nothing). . ."
And for the climax. . .
Just what we’ve all been waiting for. . . During the Christian prom the beautiful and lovely couple finally arrives. "Homo-hero" Dean arrives with his homosexual lover, and magically says, "I know in my heart that Jesus still loves me!"
In case you missed the Saved! message. . . Christians (like Judge Roy Moore) are extreme, hypocritical, obnoxious, intolerant, liars devils in disguise. While the homosexuals (same sex marriage advocates) are wonderful, beautiful, kind, courageous, heroic and just generally divine.
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Isaiah 5:20
The following quotes are from the "official" Saved! web site: <>
In discussing the potential controversy raised by Saved!’s subject matter, the cast and filmmakers are quick to point out that the main message of the film is one of love, one of inclusion and acceptance of all religions and beliefs. The film does not criticize Christians, religion, or faith. The film speaks out against those who are intolerant and their inability to open their hearts and minds to others’ way of thinking or at least their inability to realize everyone on earth will never believe in exactly the same things.
"I think no matter what religion you are, you have to learn to adapt to the world today. It’s [Saved!] about how you take these morals imposed on you by certain religions and transpose that onto what you’re experiencing in everyday life."
Co-star Eva Amurri
". . .the message of this film is not about mocking Christians. It isn’t anti-anything at all. It is about discovering who you are and what you believe in. It’s about tolerance, acceptance and diversity."
Mandy Moore
"My personal belief is that Christianity and spirituality in general need a little bit of a push into the 21st century, particularly from the point of view of a teenager. That is what this movie captures in such a brilliant way. It is subversive, but it is sweetly subversive."
"homosexual" Producer Michael Stipe
Note: "Subversive" means "to overthrow or cause destruction". Now what are the good folks of Saved! attempting to destroy? Hint see Matthew 24:9
"I grew up in a traditional Baptist home in the South. Where I went to college in Tallahassee, Florida, I regularly saw people who lived in this metaphysical world with punishments and demons and things I had a hard time understanding. Sometimes things are twisted and exploited in the name of religion or God. I wanted to explore that."
Script writer, Michael Urban
As the leader of the perfect and popular "Christian Jewels," Hilary Faye is the school’s top cheerleader for the Lord. "Hilary Faye is really strong-minded, and very, very religious," says Moore. "She has a really strong sense of faith and knows where she’s going. She’s not afraid of who she is or of spreading the word. On the other hand, she’s very insecure. She doesn’t have an identity outside of Jesus, and you really see throughout the film how she uses her faith to control people and to take advantage of people around her. "The fact is," Moore continues, "Hilary Faye has come from a really loveless family, and she’s escaped that by finding solace in Jesus and by spreading that word to everyone. It?s become such a part of her that when she starts to doubt it a little bit she begins to break apart. You actually see the first glimpse of the true Hilary Faye at the very end of the film. She becomes human"
Mandy Moore on her role as Hilary Faye
Matarazzo points to the honest emotions depicted in the script as the principal motivator behind her serious commitment to the project. "What struck me about the script, was its honesty and passion and the fact it explained how to avoid putting yourself in a box, to challenge ideas and beliefs. It’s pretty much all about love and acceptance, for other human beings and for yourself. Through that you get your spirituality - it’s not about pushing it down someone else’s throat."
Heather Matarazzo who plays Tia
The film is a coming-of-age story and also a dark comedy. "It's like those monster vampire high school kind of movies, only here the monsters are Jesus-freak teenagers,"
Producer and homosexual Michael Stipe, also R.E.M. lead-singer <>
In case you were foolishly thinking the movie title "saved" was the Christian term for receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour. The "production notes" from the official Saved! web site says the message of Saved! is, ". . . learning more about themselves, finding faith in unexpected places, and realizing what it truly means to be Saved!" And what does it "truly" mean to be "saved"?It means that "right wing" Bible Believing Christians are vicious, intolerant, devils! And tolerant, inclusive, homosexuals are wonderful and simply divine! In other words, to "truly" be saved is to deny the Word of God and rebel against the Lord Jesus Christ!
The following are some reviews of the movie Saved!:
"Writer-director Brian Danelly’s breezy and deliciously wicked satire about teenagers and their passionate, sometimes gullible belief systems is a delight. . ."
Lewis Tice <>
"Saved!" is an entertaining and humorous look into how misguided some overtly religious people can be in their intentions. . . . An ongoing joke of using Jesus as an excuse were great. . . You also cannot count how many times they say Jesus in this flick. It is in every other sentence. For an irreverent and non predictable film starring teens but made for everyone, you can do worse than "Saved!" "Who's down with G-O-D!?"
Alex Terrazas (sharkstank)
"An irreverent, punchy jab at the more hideous transgressions of fundamentalist Christianity. . . this comedic jape delivers some sharp jabs at obvious targets, namely the boosterish excesses of American religiosity"
Duane Byrge, Sundance Film Festival
From Hilary’s attempts to cure Dean of his "faggotry" to an impromptu exorcism aimed at the virginal Mary, Moore’s ghoul is supposed to symbolize the worst in un-Christian charity, and though director Brian Dannelly has every right to address and relieve his obvious beef with right-wing Christianity and the threat it poses to democracy (especially now that gays are moving ever closer to full civil rights—make that human rights—in this country), he makes absolutely no distinction between the good Christian and the right-wing nut. Like Martin Donovan’s evangelical principal, this is a film that sees only in black-and-white, and the spectacle of Hilary’s un-Christian behavior exists not to promote kindness amongst the masses, but to mock a belief system.
The film’s good Christians can’t even be called Christians: they’re crippled (and atheists), they’re Jewish, and in the case of Patrick Fugit’s missionary skater boi, they’re more than happy to eroticize Christ’s crucifixion (how scandalous!). Surely it’s no coincidence that Fugit never mentions Jesus in the film but Moore’s character engages his name a good hundred times. In essence: Good Christians are born by distancing themselves from Christ. . . .Like Mary, perhaps it’s not too late for her. Just as Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ looks to connect Christians to God via an unhealthy spectacle of violence, this equally cruel but infinitely more snide After School Special seems to exist only to promote anti-Christian resentment.
Ed Gonzalez, Slant magazine
The film most likely to cause an outcry in the Christian press is called Saved. A satire about religious legalism, Saved takes place in the corridors of a Christian high school. The students are portrayed as something akin to zombies as they surround and try to redeem one of their fellow students who has become pregnant out of wedlock. Their condemnation and judgmentalism become the stuff of horror films. . .
The film reportedly ends up affirming the existence of a benevolent deity, but ends up suggesting that God wants Christians to give up any divisive convictions about sexual orientation and just become a more tolerant community that embraces everybody's differences".
Film Forum, 01/08/04
[The film] "appears bound to ruffle the feathers of religious conservatives. . . However, the spirited comedy ultimately kneels before an all-embracing deity, which could appease the God squad provided they get through all the wickedly funny zealot-bashing that comes first."
David Rooney, Variety
"Saved" takes on the modern Christian church's stance on just about everything. Dating, divorce, homosexuality, premarital sex, abortion, unwed mothers and more. . . <>
In fact, based on this movie, one could easily get the idea that calling yourself an evangelical Christian puts you in the categories of judgmental, rude, violent, and stupid. It comes as no surprise that the credits give special thanks to George H. Smith for his book, Atheism: The Case Against God. . .Through this plot point, Christians, especially leaders, are depicted as liars, adulterers, and hypocrites. . . Christians are portrayed as violent and devious."