Dr. Terry Watkins | Dial-the-Truth Ministries |
There’s feminists Bibles such as the Feminist NIV Inclusive and the TNIV; the African-American Jubilee Bible; and the piles and piles of Children’s and Teen Bibles – we have seen it all. Or. . . We just thought we had seen it all. . . The latest $cam running the gamut of the Bible PERversion trail is the new "fashion" magazine teen Bibles. They are modeled after the "teenage-fashion" magazines complete with the trendy "beauty secrets", "ask a guy", and "BLABS" columns. The first to crawl out of the "fashion" pile is the Revolve Bible. The Revolve Bible is aimed directly at the young teenage Christian girl. It is published by Thomas Nelson Publishers under Transit Books (www.transitbooks.com).Transit.com says of it’s new creation, "It's the complete New Testament, but it looks just like a fashion magazine!" and a little P.$. "Order your copy today at www.amazon.com!" A "boy" version of the Revolve is also in the works. Zondervan reportedly, also has "fashion-bibles" on the way. (did I hear ca$h-ching?) And yes. . . The Revolve "Bible" does indeed, look, feel and read just like a teenage "fashion" magazine. As the saying goes, "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck – it’s probably a duck." An updated Bible PERversion translation says, "If it looks like a fashion magazine, feels like a fashion magazine, and reads like a fashion magazine – it’s probably a new Bible PERversion". If the fashion-magazine-madness was not bad enough – the Bible text used in the Revolve is the New Century Version (NCV). The NCV is the product of the Church of Christ affiliated World Bible Translation Center (WBTC). The NCV was originally created in 1978 as an easy-reader Bible for the Deaf titled the Easy Reader Version (ERV). In 1983, the ERV was repackaged (can you say ca$h-ching?) as the best-selling Children’s International Version. And in 1984, it was repackaged again (can you say ca$h-ching. . . ca$h-ching?) as the New Century Version. The NCV holds the title as feminist "gender-neutral translation". (Vern S. Poythress & Wayne A. Grudem, The Gender-Neutral Bible Controversy, Muting the Masculinity of God’s Words, p. 9) It’s odd with so much emphasis put on "gender-inclusive" and all the Bible publishers zooming into overdrive to produce "gender-inclusive" Bibles that they are now producing a "gender-exclusive" Bible devoted EXCLUSIVELY to teenage girls? (Did I hear a ca$h-ching. . .?) The NCV ranks among the most liberally mis-translated and corrupted Bibles in circulation. We will examine the history and text of the NCV a later with our article: The New Century Version: Easy to Read OR Easy to Mislead?
The cover of the Revolve screams at you with the typical "in your face" fashion magazine gaudy layout. The cover of Revolve shouts the following headlines:
The above feature columns are colorfully scattered throughout the Revolve, weaving in between the New Testament text of the New Century Bible. Interesting, the top of Revolve reads, "NCV The Complete New Testament" but "new testament" is not found in the New Century Version! The NCV replaces "New Testament" with "New Agreement". Why didn’t the Thomas Nelson-Revolve staff write on the cover "NCV The Complete New Agreement"? Simple. . . They knew better. But they’ll market and promote the same misleading and mis-translated Bible to our teenagers. Can you say ca$h-ching, see 1 Timothy 6:10? The Revolve "design" is the work of "rock ‘n roll" Four 5 One of Dublin, Ireland. Four 5 One is also the design team for the album covers, CD inserts, posters, programs, etc. for the rock group U2, among others. Four 5 One. . . Now, that is a good "godly" choice to design "God’s Word". Let’s take a few examples of the Revolve’s feature columns: "GUYS SPEAK OUT"
Q: How long should you date before you say "I love you?" Brilliant. . . Spiritual words of wisdom. . . Parents, do you really want hormone-crazy teenage boys to give advise on "tons of important issues" to your young teenage daughter? As a father of two teenage daughters, I think I’ll pass on that deal. To show the hormone mindset of the average teenage boy, look at the following answers to the simple question: "What do you think about girls and guys praying together?": Q: What do you think about girls and guys praying together? It sounds like these teenage "guys" are talking about necking, making out or something worse! The question was about "praying"! Avoid "praying together" until "you’re engaged"! Be careful about "praying together" so that you "don’t get carried away". The last time I checked, "praying" was talking to the Lord. You know what’s "on their mind" And it’s not "praying". What a goofy, godless, carnal, mess. Young ladies, may I give you the Lord’s ANSWER: Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Of course, why ask the Lord when you can always pick up the Revolve and get the "Guys Speak Out" spiritual wisdom. "BLAB's"
Let’s examine a few examples of the "BLAB's": Our first "BLAB" deals with "making-out" (a.k.a heavy kissing, necking, etc.). Q: I have a question about dating. If I’m going out with a guy, is it bad to make out with him? In other words, is making out a sin? What an irresponsible answer to an impressionable, teenage girl! "There is no place in the Bible where it says ‘Making out is a sin’". That’s the same wicked logic of this lost, "present evil" world. How many times have I heard; "The Bible never says smoking marijuana is a sin". . . Or "Show me in the Bible where gambling is a sin". . . Or "Just show me a verse in the Bible that says making out is a sin". I have an enlightening "revelation" for the spiritually-blind staff of Revolve. The Word of God is an eternal book (Matthew 24:35). A book for not only 2003 or the 21st century or the 19th or 20th century, et. al but – FOR ALL GENERATIONS! If the Lord would have said "Thou shalt not make out" – who in the 1300’s or 1400’s or 1700’s would have a clue to what He was referring to? Does the Lord address the subject of "making out"? Of course, He does. He gives a very precise, simple answer: 2 Timothy 2:22 Notice also the lack of spiritual discernment and warning found in the last part of the answer: "So your best bet is to avoid heavy make-out sessions ‘till you are married. . ." The answer was not to avoid "make out sessions" but "your best bet" is to avoid "HEAVY make out sessions". How different from the Lord’s compassionate warning, "Flee also youthful lusts. . ." Not just "AVOID HEAVY make out sessions" but "FLEE – run" from even the mere "LUSTS or thoughts" of it. Thank you Lord for warning our young people! I must also mention the contrast our wonderful Lord makes in 2 Timothy 2:22, not only "Flee also youthful lusts" – but then the Lord adds "but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a PURE heart." Wow! Isn’t that beautiful! Is there any greater advice anyone could give to our young people. P.S. Compare the previously quoted 2 Timothy 2:22 in the King James Bible to the dull, dreary, dead 2 Timothy 2;22 in the Revolve’s NCV: 2 Timothy 2:22, NCV Several "BLABS" deal with the subject of homosexuality. Being "politically-correct" (and may I add, spiritually-stupid) the Revolve staff downplays the sin of homosexuality. For example, in the following "BLAB" the Revolve downplays the "sin of homosexuality" as "just like gossiping about your best friend is a sin". The Revolve answer also includes a swipe at the church whose "view" of the sin of homosexuality is a "little harsher" than the sin of "gossiping about your best friend". Q: What is God and the church’s view on homosexuality and its place in our world? I can’t help but thinking how God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the "sin of homosexuality" with fire and brimstone (which by the way, is the same judgement as hell); or in Leviticus 13:20 where the Lords commands Israel to kill those who commit the "sin of homosexuality"; or Romans 1 where God "gave them up" for the "sin of homosexuality"; or in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 where the "…effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind. . . shall inherit the kingdom of God" that maybe. . . just maybe. . . the Lord considers the "sin of homosexuality" a little-bit more serious than ". . . just like gossiping about your best friend. . ." I would have to add the Lord’s view of homosexuality is a "little harsh". In another "BLAB" dealing with homosexuality (p. 43) a teenage girl asks advice on how to deal with another girl who is in love with a female teacher. Look at this lame and pathetic answer. Q; This girl at church told me that she was in love, yes, in love with one of her female teachers. This girl is fourteen years old. I just need some advice on what I should say to her if I get to speak to her again. In other words, do not "judge" her for the lusts of homosexuality. And don’t dare tell her it’s wrong – that would be judging her. But just "show her the love of God". Remember "it’s the Holy Spirit’s job to convict her and teach her". Can a saved person actually READ the Bible and be that far off base? Look at the last part of the BLAB – now preachers, this is a nugget – "Just make sure you remember who God is and that you’re not him." What spiritual insight! That had to come through hours of study and prayer. . . Compare the Revolve’s absurd answer to John the Baptist’s open rebuke in Matthew 14 of King Herod. 14:1 At that time Herod the tetrarch heard of the fame of Jesus, Notice, who John the Baptist openly rebuked and judged. . . THE KING. . . May I also remind you, The Lord Jesus said John was the greatest man born of women (Matthew 11:11). And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of the open rebuke and judgement of Jeremiah, Noah, Joshua, David, Daniel, Gideon, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Paul, Peter, James, Martin Luther, John Knox, Billy Sunday, J. Frank Norris and thousands of others. In another "BLAB" a teenager girl asks how to reach a friend involved in Witchcraft. Q: Hey, I have friends who are into Wicca. I know a lot about witchcraft, but I don’t know how to start a convo with people who are happy with that religion. I need an example of something one might say. Could you please help me out? I don’t want them to go to hell because I didn’t try to help them. Here is a Christian young lady who is burdened about her friend "going to hell" – and she is asking advice from the Revolve staff on how to reach this friend. And the Revolve staff replies, "Don’t try to talk them into changing their faith—no one likes to be forced into anything." How can you possibly witness without talking to them about "changing their faith"? How can they EVER know the wonderful plan of salvation without "talking to them"? Can you believe this? Again, look at John the Baptist. The Bible said John "was a man sent from God" (John 1:6). The Bible also says "The same came for a WITNESS" (John 1:7) And what is John’s definition of a witness? A VOICE. John 1:22-23 Young person, if you are saved and you have family and friends that are going to hell – DON’T LISTEN TO REVOLVE! Talk to them about Jesus Christ and the judgement of hell! Warn them – over and over and over! Pray for them. Don’t give up! TALK to them. You may be the only VOICE God has to deal with them. Please do not listen to Revolve. Another BLAB deals with the subject of tattoos. Tattoos have taken over this generation. From the rock stars, Hollywood celebrities, sports stars, even children’s toys – virtually every walk of life is sporting a tat. Thank God, the Lord clearly "nails" the pagan and satanic "blood-letting" tattoo to the forbidden wall in Leviticus 19:28 Leviticus 19:28 That should certainly clear up any doubt for the Christian and tattoos. Right. . .? Wrong. . . Check out the Revolve and the forbidden tattoo: Q: I really, really want to get a tattoo, but what does the Bible say about them. Is it against God? Galatians 3 means "that NOW God looks at your heart, your motives, when it comes to what you do"? Chapter and verse? That is completely contrary to the clear word of God. Have you ever read 2 Corinthians 5 and the "judgement seat of Christ" "knowing therefore the TERROR of the Lord"? 2 Corinthians 5:10-11 It’s not our motives – but "the things DONE" – "according to that he hath DONE". It’s not your motives – but what you DID! In 1 Corinthians 3:13, which also refers to the "judgement seat of Christ, the Lord says, "Every man's WORK shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's WORK of what SORT it is". Christian young person, do not believe the Revolve staff. You will be JUDGED for your WORKS and what you DO. Let me also mention, the Lord Jesus Christ did not do away with or destroy the law. Matthew 5:17 You do not have the Lord’s blessing to kill, or commit adultery, or worship other gods, or steal, etc. – which is found in the ten commandments. Nor do you have the Lord’s blessing to "mark" your body, which if you are saved is the temple of the Holy Spirit(1 Cor. 6:19) with a forbidden, pagan, blood-letting tattoo. If Leviticus 19:28 has been done away with and God is looking at our hearts. . . Then I would assume Leviticus 19:29, the next verse, is also no longer valid.
Leviticus 19:29 is the ONLY verse in the Bible, both the Old and New Testament, that explicitly forbids someone to "prostitute thy daughter". Applying Revolve’s same wicked logic of tattoos, I wonder if the Revolve staff would answer the "BLAB" question: "It is alright to be a prostitute"? with the same answer: "when Christ came, he redeemed us from the curse of the law (Galatians 3). This means that now God looks at your heart, your motives, when it comes to what you do. Check with your parents, and follow their advice" There are several other BLABS that discount the "action" and emphasize the "motive". The following is a BLAB that explains what you can or can not wear, such as revealing "mini skirts, tube tops", depends on the motive. I wonder how Revolve would reply to "Hookers for Christ". Don’t laugh. I have an actual article of a group of "Hookers for Christ". According to the article their "motive" is to win people to Jesus Christ. I wonder if they got their idea from the Revolve? Hmm… Q: What is appropriate for girls to wear? I’ve been told I can’t wear tube tops and mini skirts. But it is okay to wear a tankini-top bathing suit that hardly shows your belly button? What is going too far? As far as the "motive" is the main thing. . . Ever read Matthew 16:21-23? Matthew 16:21-23 Notice, Peter’s "motive" in Matthew 16 was his "love" for the Lord Jesus. Peter loved the Lord Jesus and did not want Jesus Christ to be crucified. But also notice, Satan completely took over Peter! Even though Peter’s "motive" was right and pure – love for the Lord Jesus Christ – Peter’s "actions" were wrong. So wrong, that Satan was speaking out of the mouth of Peter! Motive alone is not enough. In one BLAB the question of drinking beer comes up. The answer is amazing. "Drinking alcohol is not a sin in Scripture". What scripture are they reading? Oh, I forgot the liberal NCV. But in REAL scripture "drinking beer" is certainly a sin. Notice, the Revolve also turns the sinless Lord Jesus into a "party animal" even "bringing the wine"! Q: My dad drinks like three or four beers every night. Is that a sin? How much can you drink before it is a sin? The Bible makes a clear distinction between fermented liquor and new wine, or grape juice. Speaking of fermented liquor, Proverbs 23 says, "Look not thou upon the wine when it is red (speaking of fermentation), when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright (speaking of the bubbling and carbonation). At the last it BITETH like a serpent, and STINGETH like an adder." Much, much more could be given on the sin of drinking alcohol. A theme running through the Revolve is the "new-age-mother-earth-environmental-wacko" gospel. "Respect the planet, man". Here’s a BLAB preaching the "respect the planet" gospel. Q: Is it ever okay to litter? I mean aren’t we going overboard with this whole ‘save the planet’ thing? Somehow, I missed the verse that says "Honor God, then respect the planet". But I do remember the verse where the Lord says He is going to completely burn up this planet: 2 Peter 3:10-12 Friend, Jesus Christ did not come into this world to save the planet. God Almighty is not in heaven nervously "pacing the floor" worrying about the litter. The Lord is not in heaven "wringing His hands" over the pollution or the ozone layer. Jesus Christ is not in heaven interceding for the environment and the EPA. He’s not concerned about the planet. But He is very concerned about the eternal souls of people. He is so concerned, He died on a rugged cross. You want to REALLY honor God – tell somebody about the Lord Jesus Christ and Calvary. My favorite BLAB concerns the subject of MTV and rap music. In the course of our ministry, I have personally researched many disgusting and degenerate subjects. If there’s anything in the mainstream that is more disgusting than the filth and nastiness spewing forth from rap and MTV – I have not found it. Read the Revolve staff’s opinion of MTV: Q: I was just wondering is MTV or rap music bad to watch and listen to? Can you believe that? "God is present everywhere, even on MTV". What a brainless, stupid answer. . . Because God is everywhere or omnipresent that means "God is on MTV"! God is now rapping and rocking on MTV! Because God is everywhere – that means MTV is ok? What if the young girl asked: "I was wondering is porno bad to watch and listen to"? Would Revolve also answer: A: God is present everywhere, even in porno. But, don’t feed your mind that stuff 24/7. Whatever you constantly feed your mind, that is what you will believe. So spend more time talking to God and reading the Word. Dig into that and then you will see him everywhere." This is incredible. It would be laughable, if the consequences were not so serious. Now you know why so many Christian young people are so spiritually blind and confused. This is the kind of answers many sincere young people are receiving from the vast majority of pastors and youth leaders. God help us. . . Even so, come, Lord Jesus. And of course, no self-respecting, new version-Bible-correcting-publisher is going to pass up a chance to take a swing at the King James Bible: Q: What do I do if my parents only let me use KJV? They say the modern versions aren’t accurate, but I can’t understand it! Notice in the reply. The modern versions "are very accurate". Which is a joke. The new versions use the deceptive "dynamic equivalency" (DE) translation method. In DE translation methodology, rather than translating what the ORIGINAL words actually mean the translator CHANGES the ORIGINAL wording into what the translator BELIEVES it SHOULD read. In other words, it is not longer "thus saith the Lord" but "thus saith the translator". The Queen of the new versions, the beloved New International Version (NIV) plainly states in the NIV’s Preface: "They [the NIV translators] have striven for more than a word-for-word translation." Also it is a thoroughly, documented FACT, the King James Bible agrees with 99% of the Greek NT manuscripts. While the new versions (including some of the NEW King James) uses two primary manuscripts – the corrupt Siniaticus and Vaticanus (a.k.a. Westcott and Hort Greek text). The NIV removes 15 complete verses! The NASV removes 16 complete verses! The RSV removes 25 complete verses! The NCV removes 16 complete verses! The Revolve also implies (very strongly) in order to "deepen your Bible study" you need to ditch the King James and get a new version. Question for the Revolve staff: How is it the greatest Bible teachers and preachers, such as Arthur Pink, Clarence Larkin, C.I. Scofield, John Wesley, Moody, Torrey, Bullinger, Oliver Greene, Lester Roloff, and thousands and thousands of others believed ONLY the King James Bible? How is that every revival of modern time came through the fruit of the King James Bible? How is it since the new versions cropped up we’ve had 45 million abortions, legalized sexual sodomy and perversion, pornographic explosion, rock and roll hell, the new age outbreak, the Satanic Bible and church, and the spiritual killing of America? Do tell if thou knowest. . . Let me also ask the Revolve staff this: If the new versions are so much "easier to understand and read" why is it that according to surveys by Barna Research of people who read their Bible on a daily basis, "The King James Version is more likely to be the Bible read during the week than is the NIV by a 5:1 ratio." And that is even more surprising when you consider that the NIV alone now outsells the KJV – not to mention the accumulated millions of other new versions sold. Another "BLAB" clearly teaches the false and heretical teaching of "Lordship Salvation". Lordship Salvation teaches that "in order to be saved" Jesus Christ MUST be the "Lord of your life". If you are saved, Jesus Christ is your Lord and Saviour. But salvation is by faith ALONE in the blood of Jesus Christ and His payment for your sins. Yes, your desire should be for Jesus Christ to be the Lord of your body, soul and spirit. But Lordship Salvation is a satanic salvation "by works" heresy that NO ONE can obtain. One of their favorite sayings is "If He’s not Lord of ALL, He’s not Lord at ALL". The simple FACT is, no person who ever lived EVER made Jesus Christ the Lord of everything in their life. If they did, they would be sinless. Read the struggles of the greatest Christian that ever lived fought in Romans chapter 7. Q: If you accept Christ but later you turn from him, or start to go down the wrong road, does God stick with you ‘til there is no chance of restoration? This is an amazingly warped answer considering the worldly and carnal answers to some of the other "BLABS". Do you see why so many young people are spiritually confused? Do you see why so many Christian teenagers want nothing to do with "the adults" God? With these kind of spiritually hypocritical and ridiculous answers who can blame them. It bothers me when I see this type of stuff being promoted and fed to our young people. Especially when I know how simple and pure God’s Word is in the King James Bible. What a shame. What a crime to our young people. If Jesus Christ does not come back soon – with the shallow, spiritual garbage being fed to our Christian young people – they will never survive spiritually. God help us. . . There are over 200 of such BLABS in the Revolve. And most are like the given examples – pure carnal, humanistic, politically correct, nonsense. TOPten
Is there anything spiritual or Biblical in the whole list? Is there anything about witnessing to someone about the Lord Jesus (oops, that would be "talking to them into changing their faith" and that’s a no-no). Or inviting someone to church? (oops. That would also be "talking to them into changing their faith". . . sorry I forgot). Or passing out tracts. Or going to the nursing home and ministering to the elderly. Was the Lord Jesus’s "Great Commission" in Matthew 28:19 19 Go ye therefore, and plant a tree. . . ? Notice that 5 (numbers 1, 2, 6, 7, 8) of the "top ten" ways to make a difference are the gospel according to the environmental-wacko. Who in heaven (or hell) cares if you "use washable containers instead of plastic wrap for your lunch" (7) or "recycles cans and bottles" (8)? Do you believe the Lord’s "top ten" ways to make a difference would include "Pick up someone else’s litter" (2). And remember this – that is not JUST TEN "Random ways to make a difference in your community". These are the TOP TEN ways to make a difference in your community! So according to the Revolve staff "plant a tree" or "Clip the plastic rings on soda six-packs." or "Recycle cans and bottles" is BETTER and MORE IMPORTANT than leading a soul to Jesus Christ! Say it ain’t so. . . Christians can not be that spiritually blind and ignorant. There is simply no way this article will do justice to the silliness and sacrilege of the Revolve "Bible". Needless to say, we could go on and on and on, spending hours, examining the ridiculous stuff in the Revolve Bible. To simply say they are unbelievable and unthinkable is too much charity. Let’s now turn our attention to the Revolve’s Bible text of the New Century Bible (NCV). New Century Version (NCV): Easy to Read or Easy to Deceive? >> |