Is the Covid Vaccine the Mark of the Beast? |
by Dr. Terry Watkins | Dial-the-Truth Ministries |
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Is the Covid Vaccine the Mark of the Beast? As we prayerfully examine the Covid vaccine in the "light" of the Holy Scriptures, let us be ever careful to avoid the temptation to make the scriptures say what we "want" them to say. But let them speak as "thus saith the Lord". What saith the scriptures? "And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, . . ." Mark 12:24 Help us, Lord Jesus, to "know what the scriptures say about the mark of the beast, and not therefore err". Let us first clearly understand, what the Word of God says about 666: The Mark of the Beast. Let us put aside all the silly conspiracy theories, political nonsense, news media, opinions, facebook, twitter, tiktok, social media and everything and everyone. Let us look into the ONLY 100% reliable source of truth in the universe - the Word of God. The God of the Word and the Word of God KNOWS more about the Mark of the Beast than any man that is alive or ever lived. Amen! So let us begin with the admoniton of Romans 3:4:"... let God be true, but every man a liar;..." Romans 3:4WHAT DOES THE WORD OF GOD SAY ABOUT THE MARK OF THE BEAST? Does the Word of God's description and details about the Mark of the Beast match the Covid vaccine? The Word of God has given much attention and detail and warning concerning the Mark of the Beast 666. So our comparison to the Covide Vaccine and the Mark should be fairly simple and straightforward. Let us leave our opinions, hysteria, ideas, news media, conspiracies, politics, facebook, et. al. all in a "closed closet" as we carefully and prayerfully open the Word of God.
What saith the Lord God? The MARK of the beast is specifically mentioned eight times in the book of Revelation: Revelation 13:16-18 Notice. In these eight verses, the MARK is referred by: Rev 13:16 "a mark" Very important: Notice how the mark is personally associated, representative, connected or symbolic of the beast or antichrist: Rev 14:9 "his mark"Three times (14:9, 15:2, 20:4) it’s called "HIS mark". Two times (16:2, 19:20) it’s called "the mark OF THE BEAST" One time (14:11) it’s called "the mark of HIS Name" These verses, clearly indicate a mark personally symbolic of the beast and his name. There is no way to assign a vaccine to a "mark" of his name or number 666. The simple FACT is: a vacinne is NOT A MARK, it's sticking a needle in your arm... Clearly this eliminates a vaccine of any type, shape or form as the Mark of the Beast 666. But let us continue in our Bible examination of the Covid vaccine and the Mark of the Beast...
Revelation 13:16A vaccine goes and "flows" into the person's bloodstream. It does not stay in one place but travels through the bodies 60,000 miles (that's right, 60,000 miles of highways of arteries, veins, and capillaries). This massive highway the blood travels in one human body is long enough to go around the world more than twice. David got it right in Psalms 139:14: "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." A "mark of the beast" inserted into the blood system would soon disappear into the massive highway of the bloodstream. Hence, it would be useless to insert a "mark" into a person's bloodsream.
Revelation 13:16-18 is, by far, the most well known and recognized verses on the "mark of the beast". Revelation 13:16-18 The error that misleads most people to believing vaccines, biochips, debit cards, smart cards, smart phones, et. al. is the mark of the beast, is the limiting or over emphasis of the "buying and selling" reference of the mark of the beast. Most people are frantically and fearfully searching for some technology or method to control the commerce functions (buying and selling) of the world. They’ve heard Rev. 13:16-18 quoted so much – they think that’s all there is to the mark. You know how I know that's true. . . The number of "frightened" people who have contacted me through the years, worried about getting a credit card, smart card or debit card (and now a vaccine!) because they might be "receiving the mark of the beast". Anyone that has studied the REAL purpose of the Mark of the Beast in the Word of God would not ask such a "silly" question. What most people know about the Mark of the Beast is "no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark …" And anything that limits their ability to "buy or sell" it must be the Mark of the Beast"!But the abilty to "buy or sell" is NOT the REAL purpose of the mark of the beast. . . How do I KNOW? Simple... The Bible says so – you just have to look further than Rev. 13:16-18 The reason for receiving the mark is worship and allegiance to the Antichrist. It is NOT the "buying and selling"! Most people are busy searching for a "technology" or method to control the "buying and selling" and that’s NOT the reason for receiving the mark of the beast. And I’m going to prove that from the Word of God without any shadow of a doubt. . . I repeat – the reason for taking the mark of the beast is not so someone can or can NOT buy or sell. Here’s the reason "buying and selling" can NOT be the main purpose for the mark. Because according to Rev. 14:9-11 whoever receives the mark "shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God . . . shall be tormented with fire and brimstone . . . their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever". And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, Do you understand the seriousness of what you just read? Whoever receives the mark "shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God . . . shall be tormented with fire and brimstone . . . their torment ascendeth up FOR EVER AND EVER". This begs the obvious question – is a Holy, Righteous, Just, Loving, Merciful God going to "torment someone with fire and brimestone, for ever and ever" for receiving a "mark" to "buy or sell". Will a Holy, Righteous, Just, Loving, Merciful God going to "torment someone with fire and brimestone, for ever and ever" for receiving a "vaccine" to "keep a virus from killing them".Please, let’s not forget . . . God is LOVE. The Bible says in 1 John 4:16 – "… God is LOVE…" "And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. GOD IS LOVE; . . ." 1 John 4:16: The Bible says in familiar John 3:16, "For God SO LOVED the world…" The Bible says in Psalms 86:5, that God is "good, ready to forgive, and plenteous in mercy". "For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and PLENTEOUS IN MERCY unto all them that call upon thee." Psalms 86:5 In the "light" of these verses (and there are thousands of wonderful verses just like them) – would a "God of LOVE"; a God, "ready to FORGIVE; a God, "plenteous in MERCY" "torment someone with fire and brimestone, for ever and ever" for innocently receiving a "vaccine" to hopefully keep you or your family from getting infected with a deadly virus! NO. Absolutely NOT. A thousand times NEVER! What is the real purpose of the mark of the beast? We MUST find out - what is it about the mark of the beast, that so "disturbs" such a merciful and loving God, that He would "torment someone in fire and brimestone for all eternity" for receiving the mark? The purpose of the mark of the beast is a "mark" of allegiance and worship of the Antichrist. And it is a rejection of the Lord God. To receive the mark of the beast you must FIRST worship the beast. In all of the following verses, look carefully, the WORSHIP always comes FIRST BEFORE receving the mark:"If any man WORSHIP the beast and his image, and RECEIVE his mark. . . " Rev. 14:9Only ONE verse connects "buying and selling" with the mark. But there are many verses that connect the mark to WORSHIP. True... No one can buy or sell without the mark, but that’s not the REASON for receiving the mark. The "no man might buy or sell" is the CONSEQUENCE of NOT receiving the mark – not the REASON for receiving it. The main reason of the mark of the beast is WORSHIP. Satan desires what belongs ONLY to God WORSHIP. Satan wants to be God! Let's not forget what Lucifer said in Isaiah 14: (By the way, Lucifer is removed from most of the new Bible PERVersions) For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: When Satan tempted the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 4 (and Luke 4), Satan EVEN tried to get the Lord Jesus to WORSHIP him! Wow! Yes, Satan wants worship. So much, he "tempted" the Lord Jesus to WORSHIP him. Now, that is brass and bold! Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; The devil desires WORSHIP. And how did the Lord Jesus respond? Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him ONLY shalt thou serve. Matthew 4:8-10 Worship ONLY belongs to God and that's what Satan desires. 2 Thess. 2:4 describes the worship of the Antichrist during the tribulation: Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. 2 Thess. 2:4 This leads us into another important question about the mark of the beast. . . WHAT ABOUT THE COVID VACCINE "PASSPORTS"? One of the concerns and connections people have also raised about the Covid Vaccine is the "passport" technology utilized to "prove" someone has received the Covid Vaccine. In order to slow down the spread of the virus, airlines, businesses and even countries are researching various technologies such as smart phone apps, "chipped cards", et. al. to verify someone is protected from the virus. These "Covid passports" are already implemented in Israel and other countries. An APNews article titled Vaccination 'passports' may open society, but inequity looms" by Laurie Kellman describes these "Covid passports". In order for people to attend public places, such as travel services, entertainment, restaurants, et. al. they must first "prove" they have received the Covid Vaccine by displaying a "green passport" from their smart phone app. Without the "green passport", no one is allowed in. The article states:"Inside Israel, green passports or badges obtained through an app is the coin of the realm. The country recently reached agreements with Greece and Cyprus to recognize each other's green badges, and more such tourism-boosting accords are expected. Anyone unwilling or unable to get the jabs that confer immunity will be "left behind," said Health Minister Yuli Edelstein. "It's really the only way forward at the moment," Geffen said in an interview with The Associated Press.The obvious reason for the "green passports" and such vaccine verification systems is to hopefully stop, or at least slow down the spread of the Covid virus. While we can certainly raise a "red flag" over privacy concerns and possible abuse of such a system, as many have justifiably done, our subject in this article is the Covid Vaccine in relation to Bible Mark of the Beast. Our obvious question is, does the "green passports" and other Covid vaccine verification systems provide a subtle opening for the introduction of the Mark of Beast? There are many on the internet who thinks so... In the World Net Daily (WND) article, , Coming 'COVID-19 passports' - mark of the Beast? by Brian Sussman, Sussman "suggests" the recent Covid Vaccine "passports" could possibly be the beginning of the Mark of the Beast system. Of course, like most web journalists, Sussman doesn't consult the ONLY real authority on the Mark of the Beast, the Word of God. The only Bible Sussman references is the much misapplied and over applied (as we documented earlier) Revelation 13:16-17. In the article Sussman writes: "The next step in this plan will move from smartphone apps to invisible barcode-like tattoos stamped on the body of those who have been vaccinated. This would accommodate those without cell phones and prevent hackers from stealing personal information. The tattoo plan is funded by Bill and Melinda Gates. The easily applied invisible tattoos would likely be placed on the hand or forehead.Is the vacinne "passports" quietly leading the world to the Mark of the Beast via the "invisible tattoo"? That leads us to our next examination of the Covid Vaccine and Mark of the Beast - "the invisible tattoo" WHAT ABOUT THE BILL GATES "INVISIBLE TATTOO" FOR VACCINES? On July 16, 2018, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) applied for a patent (Patent number WO2019018301A1) titled "Microneedle Tattoo Patches And Use Thereof". According to sources, much of the funding for the MIT "invisible tattoo" came from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The patent "abstract" reads: Microneedle patches have been developed that can be used to deliver therapeutic, prophylactic, diagnostic agents and/or dyes to the skin. The microneedles encapsulate the agent(s) to be delivered. These are formed of a biodegradable polymer that dissolves upon insertion into skin or tissue, so that the microneedles break off from the substrate forming the patch, remaining in the skin/tissue at the site of insertion. The patches are used to create a tattoo or to deliver therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic agent in combination with a tattoo. In one embodiment, the microneedle patch contains both vaccine and dye pigments to administer vaccine and record such administration in one application of the microneedle patch.So based upon the patent abstract, The Gates Foundation and MIT have indeed applied for a patent to produce an "invisible tattoo" to prove someone has received a vaccine. The "invisible tattoo" was addressed in an article in Scientific American titled " Invisible Ink Could Reveal whether Kids Have Been Vaccinated by Karen Weintraub (December 18, 2019). The article states: "Keeping track of vaccinations remains a major challenge in the developing world, and even in many developed countries, paperwork gets lost, and parents forget whether their child is up to date. Now a group of Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers has developed a novel way to address this problem: embedding the record directly into the skin. Along with the vaccine, a child would be injected with a bit of dye that is invisible to the naked eye but easily seen with a special cell-phone filter, combined with an app that shines near-infrared light onto the skin. The dye would be expected to last up to five years, according to tests on pig and rat skin and human skin in a dish. The approach raises some privacy concerns, says Prausnitz, who helped invent microneedle technology and directs Georgia Tech's Center for Drug Design, Development and Delivery. "There may be other concerns that patients have about being 'tattooed,' carrying around personal medical information on their bodies or other aspects of this unfamiliar approach to storing medical records," he says. "Different people and different cultures will probably feel differently about having an invisible medical tattoo." When people were still getting vaccinated for smallpox, which has since been eradicated worldwide, they got a visible scar on their arm from the shot that made it easy to identify who had been vaccinated and who had not, Jaklenec says. "But obviously, we didn't want to give people a scar," she says, noting that her team was looking for an identifier that would be invisible to the naked eye. The researchers also wanted to avoid technologies that would raise even more privacy concerns, such as iris scans and databases with names and identifiable data, she says. The work was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and came about because of a direct request from Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates himself, who has been supporting efforts to wipe out diseases such as polio and measles across the world, Jaklenec says. "If we don't have good data, it's really difficult to eradicate disease," she says.Of course, the "invisible tattoo" and "green passport" has the same issue as the "vaccine" in relation to the Mark of the Beast. As we previoulsy read from the Word of God, there is no mark of the beast without FIRST the worship of the beast. An invisible tattoo is simply an invisible tattoo, whether good or bad. But the invisible tattoo does ask the question...
"One day in the Tribulation Period you will need proper identification to withdraw or deposit money in your bank. The identification will be an invisible mark either on the back of your hand or on you forehead!" (Salem Kirban, Satan's Mark Exposed, p.46)Does the Word of God describe an "invisible" Mark of the Beast? Because of the REAL PURPOSE (which we previously studied) for the mark which is worship and allegiance of the beast, I believe the "mark" will be "loud and proud". The Bible refers to the Antichrist's "mark" as "HIS" mark, the mark "OF THE BEAST" and the mark of "HIS Name". Rev 14:9 "HIS mark"Three times (14:9, 15:2, 20:4) it’s called "HIS mark". Two times (16:2, 19:20) it’s called "the mark OF THE BEAST" One time (14:11) it’s called "the mark of HIS Name" These verses, clearly indicate a mark personally symbolic of the beast and his name. The "mark" of the antichrist is "his mark" of worship and allegiance. He'll certainly want to "show it off". Making it invisible would defeat his purpose.Notice how the Bible "describes" the Mark in Revelation 15:2: "And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God." Revelation 15:2 The wording of ". . . them that had gotten the VICTORY. . . over his mark, and over the number of his name. . ." certainly describes a "mark" that will be very visible and overbearing during the tribulation. By the way, did you also "catch" that ". . . over the number of his name. . ."? The number "666" will also be "loud and proud" during the tribulation. Several well-known and respected Bible students describes the "mark" below:The mark is explained in v. 17 as consisting of the name of the Beast, or what is equivalent, the number of his name. . . it is set where it could not easily be hid, on the forehead or the right hand.The Greek definitions of the words translated "mark" clearly discount any "invisible", hidden mark: Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, 1894 MARK 5480 charagma, khar'-ag-mah; from the same as 5482 (charax) a scratch or etching, i.e. stamp (as a badge of servitude), or sculptured figure (statue): graven, mark. Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, 1985 MARK (Noun)Reading (and believing!) the Word of God, an "invisible" Mark of the Beast does not match the scriptures. The "Mark" will be a "VICTORY" (Rev. 15:2) symbol of allegiance and "WORSHIP" (Rev. 14:9, Rev. 14:11, Rev. 16:2, Rev. 19:20, Rev. 20:4) of the Beast. If it is invisible or hidden, it would defeat the PURPOSE of the mark.
Matthew 24:21It will last seven years. It is called "the time of Jacob's trouble" in Jeremiah 30:7, because the Lord will deal with the nation of Israel for rejecting His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember Jacob is also Israel (Gen. 32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: ….") Jeremiah 30:7During the seven years of the Great Tribulation the Lord God will judge this world. It will be the most catastrophic and destructive times in the history of the world. The Lord Jesus describes this time in Matthew 24:7-10, 21-22 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.Revelation 6:8 tells us the antichrist will kill "over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death," In Revelation chapter eight the following events take place: A third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up: (vs 7)Men will hide in the mountains, and plead for the mountians and rocks to fall on them and kill them: Revelation 6:15-17The Great Tribulation will be so terrible and frightening, men will seek death, and desire to die, and death shall flee from them. Revelation 9:6It is during this seven year period called the Great Tribulation that the Antichrist, the Beast appears. It is during this time that the Mark of the Beast is implemented. Revelation 13 describes the beginning of the Mark. It occurs after the beast (antichrist) recovers from a deadly wound, and the false prophet sets up an image of the beast. Again notice the "worship" in verse 15 BEFORE the Mark of the Beast. Revelation 13:14-18 reads:Most Bible students (this author agrees) the Mark of the Beast of Revelation 13 is implemented in the middle of the seven year tribulation because Revelation 13:5 says at that point (the mark) the beast will "continue forty and two months" or 3 ˝ years, which equals the last half of the seven year tribulation. Revelation 13:5 One of the best known prophecies of the Tribulation is that the "Beast," or Antichrist, will have the ability to put his mark "666" on the forehead or hand of the world's people. . . Revelation 13:13-18 teaches that after the midpoint of the Tribulation, all men and women will be ordered to bow down before the image of the Beast and worship him. Those who do will receive "a mark. . . on their foreheads" that is "the name of the beast, or the number of his name" - later identified as 666.It's also worth noting that anyone who does not receive the Mark of the Beast during the tribulation will have their head cut off, they will be "beheaded". Revelation 20:4As far as I know, (probably some "conspiracy clowns" are already spreasding it) no one is being beheaded for not receiving a Covid vaccine. SIMPLE FACT... We are currently not living in the time of the Great Tribulation. Since, we are NOT in the Great Tribulation, the Mark of the Beast is NOT implemented yet, so the Covid vaccine can NOT possibly be connected to the Mark of the Beast. Yes, we are opening the door of "the last days" of "perilous times" described in 2 Timothy 3:1. 2 Timothy 3:1Yes, we are getting closer to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ every day. The "signs of the times" are everywhere, And it's this author's opinion (whatever that's worth.. probably not much) we are very close to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. But thank God, we are not in the Great Tribulation and the Mark of the Beast. Back our original question: Is the Covid Vaccine the Mark of the Beast? The answer is no. It is not. And as we've seen, the reasons are simple and straightforward: 1. The Mark of the Beast is given to display your worship of the AntichristBefore we end our study on the Covid Vaccine and the Mark of the Beast, let us address another Covid Vaccine question circulating around the "winds of the internet".
Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. Matthew 23:24I've got news for you - there is ONE that is "tracking" every "word" and every "thought" you've ever said or thought. And you (and I) will give account to Him for "every idle word". Matthew 12:36And every thought... 2 Corinthians 10:5One day friend, a lot sooner than you think. you will meet the Lord God and give account of yourself to Him: Romans 14:12Forget about Bill Gates and the Mark of the "Beast", you need to prepare to meet thy God. Amos 4:12My friend are you "prepared to meet thy God? Death is coming and it is coming soon! The Bible says your life is "even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time" James 4:14One day, sooner than you can ever imagine, you will take your last breath on this earth. And make no mistake… You will face the judgment of a Holy God. Hebrews 9:27The only thing that will get you through the judgment of God is the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Not your church membership, sacraments, good works, baptism, or anything else, only the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Revelation 1:5Don't let anyone fool you, there is a place the Bible calls hell. And it is a horror beyond your wildest dreams. (See our tract on the Truth About Hell) And if you die without the shed blood of Jesus Christ, you will be in hell - forever! Revelation 20:15Don't be caught dead without Jesus Christ!
In fact, it's so simple, it's hard to believe! It's so simple people are deceived in thinking it can't be that simple. BUT IT IS! The apostle Paul warns, in 2 Corinthians 11:3 of Satan deceiving you by the simplicity in Jesus Christ. "But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the SIMPLICITY THAT IS IN CHRIST." 2 Corinthians 11:3 You know what? You can be saved right now. You can be saved right where you are! This very minute! You can have that home in heaven waiting for you!
"As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:" Romans 3:10 ![]() "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this THE JUDGEMENT:" Hebrews 9:27 ![]() "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; ..." Isaiah 64:6 ![]() "Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, ..." 1 Peter 2:24 ![]() "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:" John 1:12 Salvation is trusting and receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior. It's trusting in the fact that Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary to pay for your sins! It's realizing there is absolutely nothing whatsoever you can do to save yourself and completely trusting in Jesus Christ to save you! It's not any church that saves. It's not baptism, not good works, not sacraments, not repenting, not praying through, not enduring to the end, not living a good life - IT'S NOT ANYTHING YOU CAN DO! 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that NOT OF YOURSELVES: it is the gift of God: Now isn't that plain? NOT OF YOURSELVES. . . NOT OF WORKS. . . Pray this prayer, and mean it with all your heart. Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and unless you save me I am lost forever. I thank you for dying for me at Calvary and paying for my sins. I come to you now, Lord, just as You said in Your Word, the best way I know how, and ask you to save me. I now receive you as my Savior. In Jesus Christ Name, Amen. If you just prayed that prayer according to the Word of God. YOU ARE SAVED! HALLELUJAH! You say, but I don't feel any different. Guess what? Your salvation does not depend on your feeling. It ALL depends on doing what God SAID! God said if you receive and trust in Jesus Christ you are saved. Notice it does NOT say you "might" or "could" be saved, but "shall be saved". YOU ARE SAVED! For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord SHALL BE SAVED. Romans 10:13 Didn't you just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? Look at what John 3:36 says! It says you HATH EVERLASTING LIFE! Not "maybe" or "hope so" BUT HATH. YOU ARE SAVED! He that believeth on the Son HATH EVERLASTING LIFE: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. John 3:36Friend, if you prayed the prayer and received Jesus Christ, YOU ARE SAVED! You did what God said it AND GOD CANNOT LIE! In hope of eternal life, which God, THAT CANNOT LIE, promised before the world began; Titus 1:2 What to do next? 1. Start reading the Bible. Read the gospel of John. Then read the New Testament. Then start in Genesis and read the whole Bible. And when you finish the whole Bible, start over again. Read your Bible everyday. Three chapters a day (about 10 minutes) will read it through in a year. |
NOTE: We have many tracts available in printed format to distribute. To order printed tracts.