Richard Abanes, End-Time Visions, 1998
. . . nothing in the Bible, either linguistically or grammatically, indicates that the mark of the beast in Revelation 13 is a literal mark on, or in, the skin." (Richard Abanes, End Time Visions, p. 127, 1998)
M.J. Agee, Revelations 2000, 1998
The mark may even be used as it appears in the Greek, Chi, Xi, Sigma
. The middle letter even resembles a serpent, as Seiss pointed out in his book, The Apocalypse. . .
It could be like the Chinese chop, a mark that represents a person's name made into a stamp similar to our rubber stamps. My neice had her chop made on her trip to Taiwan and Hong Kong. She used her initials. The mark of the beast is also made up of three letters. It is possible that the initials of the False Prophet could be used. (M.J. Agee, Revelations 2000, 1998, p. 325)
Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, 1996
Mark of the Beast
This mark is equivalent to the beast's name or number (13:17; cf. 14:11). This enigmatic number is announced in 13:18 as 666.
Isbon Beckwith, The Apocalypse of John, 1919
The mark is explained in v. 17 as consisting of the name of the Beast, or what is equivalent, the number of his name. . . it is set where it could not easily be hid, on the forehead or the right hand…the agreement of the number and the name is to be ascertained by the calculating the sum of the value of the letters which form the name. (Isbon Beckwith, The Apocalypse of John, 1919, p.641, 642)
Gary D. Blevins, 666 The Final Warning!, 1990
I personally believe that the MARK will be either an invisible laser tattoo (they are in the skin) or a micro chip, which will be placed under the skin having the Uniform Product Code (UPC). This MARK, a type of bar code in the skin or on the micro chip, would be scanned at the point of trade. . .
MARK: The UPC code [barcode] with needed information on each person.
NAME OF THE BEAST: This, I believe, will be a name with six letters in each name invisibly coded into the laser tattoo or micro chip. A computer could pick this up as 'six digits' in each name. For example, Ronald Wilson Reagan!
NUMBER OF HIS NAME: The number 666 invisibly coded into the laser tattoo or micro chip and placed on each person in the form of the UPC [barcode] 'mark'. (Gary D. Blevins, 666 The Final Warning!, 1990, pp. 204, 205)
Roy L. Branson, Jr., The End of the World, 1989
Instead of social security cards and credit cards, the number will be printed in the forehead or hand so that all who receive it will carry it at all times. Using modern technology, it will be a method to eliminate losing such cards or having them stolen or duplicated.
Just how will the number be imprinted? Will it consist only of the numbers 666? We do not know for certain, but it is possible a small computer chip will be embedded under the flesh, or even into the bone of the forehead of hand. That kind of technology is already in place. Another method may be used, but the results will be the same instant identity, and little or no likelihood of counterfeiting or reproducing. I suspect the numbers 666 will be a prefix followed by other numbers, but I do not know.
(Roy L. Branson, Jr., The End of the World, 1989, p.78)
Tal Brooke, When the World Will Be As One, 1989
Yet the apostle John describes a reality that has only recently come into focus: global banking, laser scanning, and the universal bar code. . . It is a tiny step to go from using a Visa card or a bank card on the Plus System and other ATM machines, in which the electronic strip is attached to the card, to putting that same strip of information on the human body so that it can be laser scanned. This has already been done with laser tattoos and implanted microchips. . . Again, what better descriptive term could John have found in the ancient world than "the mark," which would enable every citizen to buy or sell who had it? (Tal Brooke, When the World Will Be As One, 1989, pp. 229, 230)
Arthur H. Brown, Europe After Democracy, 1993
Europeans believe that the monetary system called ECU (European Currency Unit), now in place, will serve as the medium of commercial exchange and trade. However, the Bible reveals that a mark (or the symbolic number 666) on the right hand or forehead will replace the ECU and become the mandatory currency expression necessary to conduct trade and commerce in much of the world. Those refusing to accept this mark will be killed. (Arthur H. Brown, Europe After Democracy, 1993, pp. 138,139)
Dr. Gary G. Cohen, cited in Satan's Mark Exposed, Salem Kirban, 1978
What will be his mark?. . . It appears that it will be some sort of credit card number and loyalty badge combined into one. Possibly it may be a tattoo invisible to the naked eye but visible upon some type of light-beam scan. It will, however, in its numerical aspect have some logo type connection with the number 666, or a code based on these digits, which will be related directly to the name of the Antichrist. (Dr. Gary G. Cohen, cited in Satan's Mark Exposed, Salem Kirban, 1978, p.131)
Terry Cook, The Mark of the New World Order, 1996
It is my well-researched opinion that the Mark of the Beast, as related in scripture, is absolutely literal. Soon, all people on earth will be coerced into accepting a Mark in their right hand or forehead. I am convinced that it will be an injectable passive RFID transponder with a computer chip a literal injection with a literal electronic biochip 'mark'. . .I believe that such an implanted identification mark literally will become Satn's Mark of the Beast, as we will discuss further in this chapter." (Terry Cook, The Mark of the New World Order, 1996, p. 587)
M.R. DeHaan, Studies in Revelation, 1946
What this mark of the beast will be we may not know now. Hundreds of answers have been suggested, but I do not believe these are scriptural. Men have tried to identify this Antichrist, and there have been hundreds of guesses concerning his identity, but all of them have been wrong. . . It is foolish, therefore, to speculate concerning his identity. The same is true of the mark of the beast.
What the mark will be we do not know. . .
There are many who believe that the mark will consist of the number 666 tattooed upon the foreheads and hands of the followers of the beast. . .(M.R. DeHaan, Studies in Revelation, 1946, pp. 187, 188)
Samuel B. de Klerk, Coming Great Prophetic Events, 1962
All religions are to be placed under the control of the counterfeit ruler or false Christ, making a single world religion. He will have the power to enforce his mark, "666", known as the "the mark of the beast" (Rev. 16:2, 19:20). This mark or stamp of the Antichrist will be placed on the foreheads or right hands of all living persons when Antichrist rules. (Samuel B. de Klerk, Coming Great Prophetic Events, 1962, p.72)
Robert W. Faid, Gorbachev! Has the real Antichrist come?, 1988
It appears that there will be three separate things or marks which will qualify a man to buy or sell. The first is called the 'Mark of the Beast.' If indeed the antichrist is the leader of the Soviet Union, then the mark may well be the Red Star the universal communist symbol. This may be a simple tattoo of the communist Red Star.
A second possibility concerns what is meant by the 'name of the beast.' I do not think it will be name of a specific man. . . This mark again might be a simple tattoo indicating that the bearer is a member of the Communist Party, and loyal to the antichrist.
The third may be more complicated the number of his name. I do not believe that this means simply the number 666. With the recent advancements in computer chip technology, especially in the miniaturization of them, it is now possible to make them microscopic enough to be injected beneath the skin. . .
Although the microchip could possibly be the ultimate in the antichrist's control of people's lives, this would take considerable time to implement and the cost would be enormous. A much simpler form would be to use the series of bars utilized in the Universal Products Code already in place in most supermarkets. This code could be tattooed, possibly with a dye visible only under ultraviolet light, on either the hand or forehead. (Robert W. Faid, Gorbachev! Has the real Antichrist come?, 1988, pp. 60,61)
Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, The Footsteps of the Messiah: A Study of the Sequence of Prophetic Events, 1982
In this passage [Rev 13:16-18] whatever the personal name of the Antichrist will be, if his name is spelled out in Hebrew characters, the numerical value of his name is 666. So this is the name that will be put on the worshippers of the Antichrist. (Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, The Footsteps of the Messiah: A Study of the Sequence of Prophetic Events, 1982, p. 173)
Oliver Greene, The Revelation, Verse by Verse, 1963
Yes, I believe there will be three sixes tattooed on foreheads and right hands. . . indeed I do. I believe John 3:16. I believe God literally loved, literally gave, Jesus literally came and literally died. Why should I not believe the number of the Beast will be 666? (Oliver Greene, The Revelation, Verse by Verse, 1963, p. 350)
Mark Hitchock, The Complete Book of Bible Prophecy, 1999
This passage [Rev 13:16-18] provides five key clues as to the interpretation of the mark of the Beast.
- The name of the beast
- The number representing his name
- The number of the Beast
- The number of a man
- The number is 666
When these five clues are followed through their logical progression, the number or mark of the Beast is the number of a man who is the Antichrist or final world ruler. This number is the number of the Antichrist's own name. (Mark Hitchock, The Complete Book of Bible Prophecy, 1999, p.202)
Dave Hunt, How Close Are We?, 1993
A tiny computer chip painlessly and quickly implanted just under the skin in hand or forehead will likely become the means of fulfilling this prophecy [Rev 13] (Dave Hunt, How Close Are We?, 1993, p. 261)
Thomas Ice & Timothy Demy, The Antichrist and His Kingdom, 1996
Although all the specifics and ramifications of the mark are not known, we do know that it will be a symbol of the Antichrist and allegiance to him. The biblical word for mark is similar to our modern tattoo. Just as tattoos were imposed upon victims of the Holocaust, so will similar, permanent marks be given to willing recipients during the tribulation. (Thomas Ice & Timothy Demy, The Antichrist and His Kingdom, 1996, p. 33)
Grant R. Jeffrey, Prince of Darkness, 1994
What kind of mark will it be? It will be a physical mark, probably visible, that the False Prophet will force every man and woman to receive on his right hand or forehead. The mark will be related to both the "name of the beast" as well as the "number of his name" 666. Possession of the mark will indicate that you willingly worship the "beast". . .
The number 666 indicates that the letters in the Greek form of the name of the Antichrist will add up to 666. There is a slim possibility that his name will equal 666 in the Hebrew language since the Antichrist will be Jewish. The numeric system does not work in English or in languages other than Greek or Hebrew, so it is useless to calculate the values of names in these modern languages. (Grant R. Jeffrey, Prince of Darkness, 1994, pp. 275, 277)
Grant R. Jeffrey, Surveillance Society, 2000
The mark will be a physical, probably visible, mark that the False Prophet will demand every man and woman receive on their right hand or forehead. The Mark will be related to both the "name of the beast" and the "number of his name" "666". It will indicate that the individual willingly worships the "beast" the satanic Antichrist.(Grant R. Jeffrey, Surveillance Society, 2000, p. 233)
The totalitarian control will involve "the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." All three of these identifying marks may be used either simultaneously or at different times to identify the worshippers of the Antichrist from those who reject his claims to be god...(Grant R. Jeffrey, Surveillance Society, 2000, p. 238)
This mark must be something different from the name or the number 666 because scriptures, including Revelation 13:18, mention all three as separate items. We are not told the exact nature of the Mark, but it may be a physical brand on the surface of the skin including either the actual name of the Antichrist or the number 666. The Mark may also be implanted as a miniature computer micro chip beneath the skin of the right hand or forhead.(Grant R. Jeffrey, Surveillance Society, 2000, p. 238)
Jerry Johnston, The Last Days of Planet Earth, 1991
The number 666 will be a finance number, perhaps invisibly tattooed on every person's right hand or forehead. (Jerry Johnston, The Last Days of Planet Earth, 1991, p.135)
Salem Kirban, Satan's Mark Exposed, 1978
One day in the Tribulation Period you will need proper identification to withdraw or deposit money in your bank. The identification will be an invisible mark either on the back of your hand or on you forehead! (Salem Kirban, Satan's Mark Exposed, p.46)
. . . the Social security number will become your identification number. It will be prefixed by 666 and quite possibly followed by your won personal zip code. (Salem Kirban, Satan's Mark Exposed, p.60)
The Government knows you by a number. Your most universal number is now your Social Security Number. Quite conceivably it could be the Mark. Technology is already here whereby the Social Security Number could be painlessly imprinted on your forehead or right hand in invisible ink revealed only by a special light. (Salem Kirban, Satan's Mark Exposed, p.72)
The MARK will be a "harmless" and "invisible" Laser Beam applied mark. You will have the choice of having the Mark placed on your right hand or on your forehead! (Salem Kirban, Satan's Mark Exposed, p.99)
What this identifying mark will be . . . the Lord has not desired to make clear to us at this time. Nor can we know at this time the identity of Antichrist. It may be the number "666" which is the number of man. . . (Salem Kirban, Satan's Mark Exposed, 1978, p. 123)
Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, Are We Living in the End Times?, 1999
One of the best known prophecies of the Tribulation is that the "Beast," or Antichrist, will have the ability to put his mark "666" on the forehead or hand of the world's people. . . Revelation 13:13-18 teaches that after the midpoint of the Tribulation, all men and women will be ordered to bow down before the image of the Beast and worship him. Those who do will receive "a mark. . . on their foreheads" that is "the name of the beast, or the number of his name" later identified as 666. (Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, Are We Living in the End Times?, 1999, pp. 195,196)
Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, The Mark: The Beast Rules the World, 2000
"The first page of your folders. . . is a listing of the ten world regions and a corresponding number. It is the product of a mathematical equation that identifies those regions and their relationships to His Excellency the Potentate [Anti-Christ]. The loyalty mark, . . . shall begin with these numbers, thus identifying the home region of every citizen. The subsequent numbers, embedded on a biochip inserted under the skin, will further identify the person to the point where every one shall be unique. . .The mark shall consist of the name of His Excellency or the prescribed number". (Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, The Mark: The Beast Rules the World, 2000, p. 85)
"'We have settled on the technology,' Viv continued. 'The miniature biochip with the suffix numbers embedded in it can be inserted as painlessly as a vaccination in a matter of seconds. Citizens may chose either location, and visible will be a thin, half-inch scar, and to its immediate left, in six-point black ink impossible to remove under penalty of law the number that designates the home region of the individual. That number may be included in the embedded chip, should the person prefer that one of the variations of the name of the potentate appear on their flesh.'
'Variations?' someone asked.
'Yes. Most, we assume, will prefer the understated numbers next to the thin scar. But they may also choose from the small initials no bigger than the numbers NJC The first or last name may be used, including one version of Nicolae [Anti-Christ] that would virtually cover the left side of the forehead.'" (Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, The Mark: The Beast Rules the World, 2000, p. 86)
"'In a few moments you will be led to the central building, where you will tell the staff whether you want your loyalty mark on your forehead or your right hand. The area you choose will then be disinfected with an alcohol solution. When it is your turn, you will enter a cubicle, where you will sit and be injected with a biochip, while simultaneously tattooed with the prefix 216, which identifies you as a citizen of the United Carpathian States. The application takes just seconds.'" (Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, The Mark: The Beast Rules the World, 2000, p. 285)
"David could barely take his eyes off the small black tattoo that read 30 and was followed by a half-inch pick scar [where the biochip was implanted] that would fade to a darker line in a few days." (Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, The Mark: The Beast Rules the World, 2000, p.352)
Peter Lalonde, One World Under Anti-Christ, 1991
In fact, the microchips currently used in "smart cards" could easily fulfill the definition of "the mark" which will be issued under the Antichrist regime. (Peter Lalonde, One World Under Anti-Christ, 1991, p. 229)
Peter & Paul Lalonde, Racing Toward The Mark of the Beast, 1994
[referring to the Mark VI Personal Identity Verifier, which reads the biometrics characteristics of the hand to verify identification] The student of Bible prophecy will not only be interested in the name of this device [Mark] but in the fact that its developers have decided to record both hands in case of injury. The Bible may well have been foretelling just such a precaution when it referred to 'marking' the right hand or forehead. (Peter & Paul Lalonde, Racing Toward The Mark of the Beast, 1994, p. 77)
Clarence Larkin, Dispensational Truth, 1918
The "Mark" will be BRANDED or burnt on. It will probably be the "NUMBER OF BEAST" OR "666". (Clarence Larkin, Dispensational Truth, p.. 124, published 1918)
Hal Lindsey, The Late Great Planet Earth, 1970
Everyone will be given a tattoo or mark on either his forehead or forehand, only if he swears allegiance to the Dictator as being God. Symbolically, this mark will be 666. (Hal Lindsey, The Late Great Planet Earth, 1970, p.101)
Hal Lindsey, The 1980's: Countdown to Armageddon, 1980
Those worshippers will each be assigned a trade number. Without that number, on one will be permitted to buy or sell anything (Revelation 13:16-17). . . The only safeguard would be to tattoo the number on your skin with an ink that could be seen only in a special light. . .The anti-Christ, with the help of his false prophet, will require that a number representing his name become part of your own banking number to make it valid. (Hal Lindsey, The 1980's: Countdown to Armageddon, 1980, pp. 110,111,112)
Betty Lynn, Pathways to Armageddon, 1992
The prince… will exclude everyone who does not have an approved cashless account. Because of the importance of that account to daily existence and to protect it from theft, account information will be bio-implanted, leaving a small mark on the hand or temple. (Betty Lynn, Pathways to Armageddon, 1992, p.47)
Texe Marrs, Mystery Mark of the New Age, 1988
Could a microchip be programmed with the number of the Beast and be inserted under a person's skin? And what of the bar code? Could the laser be used to 'brand' people with the Mark?
In light of the meaning of the Biblical word 'mark' as used in Revelation 13, I do not see this as a viable possibility. For one thing, I believe the coming New Age World Leader will promote the Mark as a spiritual status symbol that people will proudly covet. It will be a Mark of distinction. Like the commercial for a well-known credit card says, you wouldn't want to leave home without it! To hide or somehow make the Mark indistinguishable would defeat its purpose. (Texe Marrs, Mystery Mark of the New Age, 1988, p. 38)
Texe Marrs, Project L.U.C.I.D., 1996
Will the implantable biochip, linked in with L.U.C.I.D. worldwide control net, become the basis for the mysterious, but diabolical, Mark of the Beast? It seems possible, even likely, that this will prove to be the case. (Texe Marrs, Project L.U.C.I.D., 1996, p.113)
Robert Mounce, The Book of Revelation, 1977
The mark is identified as the name of the beast written in its numerical equivalent. It is not the name of the beast or the number of his name that is stamped on his followers. The mark is the number of the name… the number of the beast stamped upon his followers was 666. (Robert Mounce, The Book of Revelation, 1977, p. 263)
Naked, a movie Directed by Mike Leigh, starring David Thewlis, 1993
What is the mark? Well the mark Brian, is the barcode. The ubitiqous barcode that you'll find on every bog roll, and every packet of johnny's and every poxie-pot pie. And every [expletive-removed] barcode is divided into two parts by three markers and those three markers are always represented by the number six. Six-six-six. Now what does it say? No one shall be able to buy or sell without that mark. And now what they're planning to do in order to eradicate all credit card fraud and in order to precipitate a totally cashless society. What they're planning to do; what they've already tested on the American troops; they're going to subcutaneously laser tattoo that mark onto your right hand or onto your forehead.
B.J. Oropeza, 99 Reasons Why No One Knows When Christ Will Return, 1994
If the antichrist had lived in the first century, he could have easily fulfilled Revelation 13:16-18 by ordering a tattoo or branding-iron mark placed on everyone. Such primitive means would suffice to carry out the Beast's job. Of course, computers and electronic networks would allow an antichrist today to keep tabs on everyone more easily than a first-century antichrist could have done. So inventions like the biochip give us a better explanation of how the mark of the Beast could be implemented, but they do not necessarily herald the mark of the Beast.
There is no evidence that any candidate for the mark of the Beast is in fact the mark. (B.J. Oropeza, 99 Reasons Why No One Knows When Christ Will Return, 1994, pp. 165,166)
J. Dwight Pentecost, Prophecy for Today, 1961
I confess that I don't know what this number means. I am certain, however, that there are more than 666 interpretations. Everyone seems to have an opinion. Since God doesn't explain the meaning, apparently it's not important for us to know. Before this person comes to prominence believers will have been translated into God's presence. We will not have the slightest interest in the Beast or the False Prophet because we will be occupied with the Lord Jesus Christ in glory.
The reason God gave us any information at all, I believe, is so that believers alive in that day will have a clear identifying sign that the one in world power is Satan's masterpiece. (J. Dwight Pentecost, Prophecy for Today, 1961, p.114)
Arthur W. Pink, The Antichrist, 1923
This "mark" will be the official sign of allegiance to the Emperor stamped either upon the hand or forehead of his loyal subjects. It will be the satanic travesty of the "seal" which the angel will stamp on "the foreheads of God's servants" (7:3). This "mark" on the persons of the subjects of the Beast will be, we believe, the name of the Devil, (cf. Rev. 13:4), as the seal on the foreheads of God's servants is defined in 14:1 as "having their Father's name written on their foreheads". (Arthur W. Pink, The Antichrist, 1923, p. 200)
Mary Stewart Relfe, When Your Money Fails…The "666" System" is Here, 1981
"And he causeth all . . . to receive a mark . . . "
In Greek this word mark is charagma, which literally denotes a stamp, an impress, and is translated mark. Notice that John did not say that he causeth all to receive a number in the right hand or forehead. This astute prophet could have certainly delineated between a series of numbers, and an unexplained stamp or mark. . .
The same Electronic Eye which scans the UPC marks [barcodes] will in the near future scan the marks that will be required to be inserted on the body. . .
While some specifics remain vague, of this we are certain: All commerce will be conducted in the near future with a number, a name, or an identifying mark in the hand or forehead. It is my sincere deduction that the 'mark of the beast' will not be the insertion of numbers per se on the body, but of vertical lines which will represent encoded messages and digits.
(Mary Stewart Relfe, When Your Money Fails…The "666" System" is Here, 1981, pp. 56,57,58)
Mary Stewart Relfe, The New Money System 666, 1982
The Prophet John identified this Cashless System of Commerce 1900 years ago as one in which business would be transacted with a 'Mark' and a Number; the Mark will obviously be a Bar Code; the Number will be '666;' the combination of the two, about which you will read in this book, will be an integral part of the '666 System'. . .
RECEIVING OF ONE'S OWN VOLITION THE MARK (BRAND) IN THE RIGHT HAND OR FOREHEAD; which I believe will be a Bar Code facsimile incorporating a concealed use of '666,' unintelligible to the eye,. . .
Mary Stewart Relfe, The New Money System 666, 1982, pp. xii, 206)
A.T. Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament, 1930
The stamp (the mark) may bear either the name or the number of the beast. The name and the number are one and the same. They could write the name in numerals, for numbers were given by letters. Swete suggests that it was "according to a sort of \gematria\ known to the Apocalyptist and his Asian readers, but not generally intelligible."
Joseph Seiss, The Apocalypse, 1865
The "mark" itself is at once a number and a name. The Apostle tells us what it is. As he gives it, it is made up of two Greek characters which stand for the name of Christ, with a third, the figure of a crooked serpent, put between them, the name of God’s Messiah transformed into a Devil sacrament. (Joseph Seiss, The Apocalypse, 1865, p. 457)
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, 1894
5480 charagma, khar'-ag-mah; from the same as 5482 (charax) a scratch or etching, i.e. stamp (as a badge of servitude), or sculptured figure (statue): graven, mark.
Unger's Bible Dictionary, 1957
The mark (Gr. charagma, stamp) is to be stamped on the right hand or the forehead as the badge of the followers of Antichrist. (Unger's Bible Dictionary, 1957, p. 695)
Jack Van Impe, Dictionary of Prophecy Terms
This mark will consist of either the name of the Beast (Antichrist) or his number, 666 (Revelation 14:11). . .
It is likely that the Image of the Beast, a forth-coming master computer, will give Antichrist all the information necessary for him to govern the world. It's memory bank will know the number, record, and history of every living person. Perhaps this number would be composed of an international, national, and area computer code plus an individual number, such as one's social security number. The present international computer code is "6" . . . it could easily be expanded to "666." (Jack Van Impe, Dictionary of Prophecy Terms, "Mark of the Beast".)
Robert Van Kampen, The Sign, 1992
We do not know how the mark will be imprinted on the hand or the forehead. Given modern technology, however, there are numerous ways this could be accomplished. A tiny microchip, for example, could be imbedded just under the skin in the palm of the hand…it seems unlikely that the mark would be a series of numbers crudely branded on the hand or forehead, but it will be a mark nonetheless that clearly identifies the man with either the name of the beast or the number of his (Antichrist's) name. (Robert Van Kampen, The Sign, 1992, p. 231)
Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, 1985
MARK (Noun)
1. charagma denotes "a stamp, impress" translated "mark" in Rev. 13:16, 17, etc. See GRAVEN. (Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, p. 393)
charagma, from charasso, "to engrave" (akin to charakter, "an impress," RV, marg., of Heb. 1:3), denotes (a) "a mark" or "stamp," e.g., Rev 13:16, 17; 14:9, 11; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4; 15:2 in some mss.; (b) "a thing graven," Acts 17:29. (Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, 1985, p. 279)
John Wesley's Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible
But he that had the mark, namely, the name of the first beast, or the number of his name - The name of the beast is that which he bears through his whole duration; namely, that of Papa or Pope: the number of his name is the whole time during which he bears this name. Whosoever, therefore, receives the mark of the beast does as much as if he said expressly, "I acknowledge the present Papacy, as proceeding from God;" or, "I acknowledge that what St. Gregory VII. has done, according to his legend, (authorized by Benedict XIII.,) and what has been maintained in virtue thereof, by his successors to this day, is from God." By the former, a man hath the name of the beast as a mark; by the latter, the number of his name. In a word, to have the name of the beast is, to acknowledge His papal Holiness; to have the number of his name is, to acknowledge the papal succession. The second beast will enforce the receiving this mark under the severest penalties. (John Wesley, Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible, Revelation 13:17)
Warren Wiersbe, Be Victorious, 1985
Everybody (except believers; 20:4) will receive a special mark in order to buy or sell; but the only way to get that mark is to submit to "the beast" and worship him. . .
This special mark is the name or number of "the beast" the mystical 666. (Warren Wiersbe, Be Victorious, 1985, pp. 107, 108)
Allen Woodham, South East Christian Witness Newsletter, 1996
In this soon-coming CASHLESS ELECTRONIC DEBIT system, no one will be able to BUY OR SELL anything, anywhere without the New World Order global biochip "MARK" in their right hands or foreheads (the mark of the beast) (Allen Woodham, South East Christian Witness Newsletter, Feb 1996, p 6)
John Zajac, The Delicate Balance, 1989
In the book of Revelation, John said that 666 is the mark of the beast… Yes, he [John-Rev.13:18] stated emphatically that the mark of the beast is 666. (John Zajac, The Delicate Balance, 1989, p.61)